Photos: We Are Mere Human Instruments For The Fulfilment Of a Divine Agenda - Sirealsilver

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Photos: We Are Mere Human Instruments For The Fulfilment Of a Divine Agenda

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing, crowd and outdoor

Recently, I attended a funeral service in Udung Uwe village in company of my friends, Hon. Tom Efombruh( Tom Dante), Francis Otioro, Ibe Bassey and William Itama.

As usual, the youths took me away from the venue to a nearby house and we started extensive discussions on the politics of 2019 and other subjects of interest .

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling

Then the Youth President made a request thus: " Barr, please when you assume office in 2019, kindly buy a wheelchair for this guy for us"( He pointed at a cheerful, dark complexioned but crippled young man seated in the small crowd).

His nickname is "Superman". Despite his condition, there was absolutely no doubt that his spirit wasn't broken. He obviously felt at home among his able bodied peers.

Image may contain: 1 person

I felt 2019 was too far away and wheelchair too cheap to keep such a lively young man crawling on bare ground.

God had already decided to start the process of making his life more meaningful. I don't have an idea how it will end but definitely, it will be glorious because He specialises in turning ugly situations around.

As I presented the wheelchair yesterday as part of the #Goodomen voters' registration sensitization exercise, I realized how much I underestimated what God was doing through us.

The guy, the mum, family members and other well wishers in the village rejoiced as if the guy's legs had been fully restored. I was overwhelmed, to say the least.

If the presentation of a mere wheelchair could elicit so much joy, what would happen if we commanded the guy to walk as Apostle Peter did to that lame at Gate beautiful: " Silver and gold I have none; but such as I have give I thee: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and work" ACTS 3:6. This is the real thing.

This would mean total healing and full restoration of everything God gave him at creation. What a joyous moment it would be.

Wheelchair is good but it's a mere palliative. It's important we don't forget the supernatural if our service must yield enduring results.

Moreso, I was touched when a former youth President, Mr Uwe Mkpesit narrated his several past but failed attempts at securing a wheelchair for "Superman".Also speaking, a representative of the young women said this time around, the wheelchair came without prayer.

What she obviously didn't know was that God had long answered their prayer and decided to grant us the privilege of being His human instruments in this regard.

Of course I urged the beneficiary not to thank me but God for the wheelchair. No matter how anyone views it, every good thing comes from God.JAMES 1:17.

In case someone wants to argue. Who gave the resources? Who took us to the village?Who ensured that the young man was at the right place at the right time? Who led my heart in his direction? Who caused the appeal to be made on his behalf? We are mere human instruments for the fulfilment of a divine agenda.

I pray God to continue to grant us the privilege of being His instruments to reach our world and to recruit more people into this privilege because truly " The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few" LUKE 10:2.

I hereby appeal to governments, corporate organisations and well placed individuals to kindly spare a thought for people like Superman who cannot live decently unless they are assisted. Until our society has plans for, and truly accomodates such persons, it's failing God in a fundamental respect.

#Goodomen2019 is part of a divine agenda.


Omen Bassey
Photos: We Are Mere Human Instruments For The Fulfilment Of a Divine Agenda Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 05, 2017 Rating: 5 Recently, I attended a funeral service in Udung Uwe village in company of my friends, Hon. Tom Efombruh( Tom Dante), Francis Otioro, Ibe...

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