Photos: Good Omen Takes Voters Registration Awareness To Grassroots, Presents Wheelchair To Disabled - Sirealsilver

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Photos: Good Omen Takes Voters Registration Awareness To Grassroots, Presents Wheelchair To Disabled

Image may contain: 7 people, people standing and outdoor

Today, two villages in Ward 10, Urue Offong/Oruko Local Government Area gathered to receive the #GoodOmen Foundation differently, as it arrived the ward on an awareness campaign to encourage the residents to popularly participate in the ongoing voters registration exercise. 

Led by the Principal of GoodOmen2019 Campaign and the campaign's Director General, Barr Omen Bassey and Hon. Tom Efombruh (Tom Dante), respectively, the team was first received by men, women and youths of Udung Ukpo before proceeding to meet similar warm reception in neighbouring Udung Uwe Village.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting and outdoor Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

Addressing the people of these villages at the two distinct scenes, the message was the same as Barr. Bassey took turns to extensively enlighten the villagers on the importance of mobilising massively to exercise their franchise.

 Image may contain: 9 people, crowd and outdoor

At Udung Ukpo, representatives of men, women and youths expressed appreciation to GoodOmen Foundation for its impacts and commitment to community service, while pledging compliance in the voters registration exercise as charged.

Image may contain: 4 people, people standing and outdoor

Subsequently, the tour took a different atmosphere at Udung Uwe, where the Principal of GoodOmen2019, Barr. Omen Bassey presented a wheelchair to a physically disabled, Mr. Effiong John Isongiyim, alias Superman.

According to Omen Bassey, he met Mr. isongiyim while on a visit to the community last month and considered it necessary to associate today's visit to Udung Uwe by the Foundation with a wheelchair donation to ameliorate Mr. Isongiyim's condition.

This gesture was greeted with hearty appreciation by Mr. Isongiyim's mother, relatives and other villagers present.

It is the hope of GoodOmen Foundation that the continuous awareness campaign for popular participation in the ongoing voters registration exercise would yield its expected aim, in educating the masses on principled involvement in democratic processes.

ADMONISHMENT: "No matter how you love your candidate, if you are not a registered voter, there is no way you can help him or her. Your card is your strength. Register and get involved". - Words of Barr. Omen Bassey.
GOOD OMEN: ...the People First!
Photos: Good Omen Takes Voters Registration Awareness To Grassroots, Presents Wheelchair To Disabled Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 05, 2017 Rating: 5 Today, two villages in Ward 10, Urue Offong/Oruko Local Government Area gathered to receive the # GoodOmen Foundation differently, as ...

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