Graphics: Domestic Violence Not The Answer: See How This Lady Gruesomely Ends Her Life For Love... - Sirealsilver

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Graphics: Domestic Violence Not The Answer: See How This Lady Gruesomely Ends Her Life For Love...

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Read and see pictures as shared by a facebook user..

Just look at how she ended up in the name of relationship. I keep saying it, learn to walk away from any 
moster that has strength when he sees you, no matter what he gives you, take a bow and walk away, some of all this boyfriends are worse than Boko Haram.

He beat you over little argument, you still stay with him in the name of nonsense you call love. Who told you that love mean beating and torturing? 
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Ladies should always read the handwriting on the wall and know when to walk away without telling him, deal with it on phone please, stop breaking up face to face because of stories that touches the heart.

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Graphics: Domestic Violence Not The Answer: See How This Lady Gruesomely Ends Her Life For Love... Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 19, 2017 Rating: 5 Read and see pictures as shared by a facebook user.. Just look at how she ended up in the name of relationship. I keep saying it, ...

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