Most of us grew up from poor homes. And at most time. Without shelter and proper feeding. Night life at times was our greatest experience. It was a place where hunger and starvation was our neighbour. We groaned and went to bed with empty stomach. Sad, miserable and unhappy. There's nothing we could do.
No one to complain to. Because that's what we came to see. We lived with it. And probably became used to it. While others lived a happy life. So flamboyant in nature.
They were born into wealth. Many things at their disposal. Countless estates and billions of naira in bank accounts. In most cases, they ended up wasting it because it seemed it had not value. But it's God Almighty that created us all.
But one thing was very common. Whether rich or poor. Something must go wrong at home. It's either something is destroyed. Or there will be a fight. It's normal everywhere. But nothing will stop something from missing. It''s even worst if it's money.
Someone might have stolen it. But since no one saw the culprit. It probably became a mystery. All the children will be asked. And all must deny. Surprised? Please don't.
Now, who then stole the money? That's what nobody knows. Maybe a rat might have ran away it. Since none of the children had knowledge of it whereabouts. Because apart from the father and the mother.
No other person could be a suspect. Except there was a visitor. If there was none. Then all the children in the house must be caged. At the end. If the money is recovered or not. There will be punishment for everyone.
Whether you know anything about the missing money or not. You must be part of the punishment.
Now that we've all grown up. Left our houses. And then meet strangers on the streets. It's still happening. I mean missing money. We hear it every day. But now in millions, billions. Not that it's missing. But it's it missing.
It's so funny when public funds are missing every day. Leaders accusing followers. Followers accusing leaders. That's why we see fingers everywhere. Fighting and quarrels. Blackmails and abuses in every corner and junctions. But who steals our money? That's the question our leaders must answer. Who's the rat?
Ironically, today we're here. Tomorrow we're there. Next tomorrow we fight. Insult and abuse. Everyone claiming a right. Because we only think on ourselves. Others are wrong. No matter how serious they are.
And then we expect progress. And probably tries to deceive the whole world through media campaigns. That all is well with us. Even without a fixed agenda. No it's not done that way. It's time to be serious.
We're rich. But still the poorest. We receive the highest allocation from the Federation account today. Tomorrow it got missing. We receive Paris Club refund today. Tomorrow it disappeared. Our local government chairmen are also in trouble.
Their Internally Generated Revenues are also missing. All monies are just missing. And nothing is left. What a mystery. We have the highest number of oil wells. We're rich in human capital. We speak in tongues.
Our politicians move about with highest number of security men. All well paid. But we're still the poorest. How can we explain this to our children? How would we explain the missing funds in government? Meaning that something terrible has happened.
What's a funny situation! Now that it has gotten to this extent. When things get missing at random. Even though we all know. That there's much to lose. And there's also much to gain. I mean through the missing funds.
People becoming rich through fraud. And now, our leaders are complaining of 'no money'. Not that there's no money. But because our money is missing. And now. We don't know who to blame.
Since everyone is accusing anybody. But to us here. We believe that the money isn't missing. Those Ghana-must-go bags are hidden somewhere. And must have been taken there by a rat.
The type without a tail. A stingy and crazy rat. The big one without conscience. Who has decided to starve pensioners. Swallow workers' promotion arrears. Eaten severance benefits of former councillors.
Deny workers of their salaries. Ceased workers' gratuity and prevent next of kin to the departed ones from benefiting. From the sermon of Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey in March 20, 1925; we now know why it happened like this. It's because they all want wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humility. Worship without sacrifice. What a crazy society!
The situation is becoming worrisome. I mean this missing money palaver. It's a serious problem. Because in a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind. Or by a disembodied mind. It becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of leaders.
Their activities. And the results. Because they pretend at all cost. Thriving on the sensitivity of their subordinates. And that's our greatest enemy. Which is the freedom of aligning political power with wealth.
This alignment destroys the commonwealth. It destroys the so called democracy of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.
Now that whistle blowers have refused to blow. Not that they don't want to blow. But because those who would blown their whistles are in government house. Well taken care of.
But even if they don't blow it. Others will. But before they do that. We expect those rats to repent. Whether they're humans or ghost. We expect a change from them. Let our money don't miss anymore.
Workers should be paid. Pensioners and others should be attended to. We need a total change. Because those rats will soon be disgraced!
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