Kambili stepped out of the car boldly. And the look of horror in her face told it all.
Then we heard a rustling in the bushes. They were closer than we thought.
Not just the ones in front of us.
We grabbed our knives and machetes immediately, and held it tight.
As each of them walked closer, they got their heads cut of.
The woman in the car began to scream, her scream echoed through the whole place. Our hearts fell, Kambili and I turned at once to see what was happening, we became weak at the sight of zombies that gathered the car.
I blew a whistle with my Mouth, distracting them from the car.
"What are you doing Nne?" Kambili asked in a trembling voice.
"I am distracting them from the car." I said, breathing loudly.
As each of them walked towards us, they got their heads sliced by our Machetes, their bloods splashing on our faces.
They became few, and Kambili and I were already tired. Our hands were hurting. We became weak and ran into the car, locking it and trying to get away from the road.
"We are close to the house." Kabili said weakly.
"The Zombies are much here in California." The white woman said behind.
Her daughter's face became pale white. She was breathing aloud, her eyes were closed as tears ran out of them.
"She will be fine." I said to the woman, she nodded pensively.
Kambili got to Smith's house few hours later. As Kambili and I jumped out from the car. I helped the woman in carrying her child. I was scared that she might turn and bite me hard on the neck.
The whole neighborhood was quiet and lonely. Only sounds of birds and light snarling of zombies were heard from afar.
Kambili hit the door hard with an axe, and clicked it open. We all got into Smith's house in a light excitement.
I laid the young girl on the carpet, while Kambili ran to look for water, food and first aid.
"Nobody is here!" she shouted from the inner room."
"We will spend the night here, until we can get a better place to stay." I replied softly.
"There is food!" Kambili said in a loud voice.
I stood up and joined her in the kitchen.
"We are going to survive this." She whispered.
"I can't remember the last time I heard that Nne." She sighed as she puts water in a pot.
"Amen?" I asked amazingly.
"Yes. For twenty years now in America, I haven't been to church. Only my daughter goes to the cathedral for mass and some programs held my the Reverend sisters."
I glanced up at her. " Why? What has God done to you?"
"God doesn't love me Nne. He doesn't love everyone, I am one of the people he doesn't love. God forsook me twenty years ago, when he let mama die on Inweka road. When he didn't let her live to see my brother Obinna, her only son graduate from University.
She toiled to send him there, but didn't live to see him in his graduation uniform. It was always her dream. God forsook me when he let papa die, few days to Adanna's wedding.
Why didn't he just keep him alive until after the wedding?" Her voice quivers now. " Papa was a catechist in the roman catholic church for years. He should have died honourably Nne."
"That doesn't mean there's no God."
"If there is God, why would he let us suffer this way. He let your husband die just few years after your wedding. Were you not serving him at that time?" She turned her face to offer me rosemary leaves. "Wash them." she said softly.
A loud scream from downstairs skipped our hearts. Kambili pulled out a gun from the kitchen cabinet, while I took a kitchen knife.
We ran hastily down stairs and met a small little zombie girl. It was the same daughter of the white woman. She had turned, her mother held her two hands tight, weeping Aloud; while she struggled to bite her skin.
Kambili and I watched, our hearts were pounding hard.
®Vicky Bon
Photo Model: Sonequa Martin Green
Not just the ones in front of us.
We grabbed our knives and machetes immediately, and held it tight.
As each of them walked closer, they got their heads cut of.
The woman in the car began to scream, her scream echoed through the whole place. Our hearts fell, Kambili and I turned at once to see what was happening, we became weak at the sight of zombies that gathered the car.
I blew a whistle with my Mouth, distracting them from the car.
"What are you doing Nne?" Kambili asked in a trembling voice.
"I am distracting them from the car." I said, breathing loudly.
As each of them walked towards us, they got their heads sliced by our Machetes, their bloods splashing on our faces.
They became few, and Kambili and I were already tired. Our hands were hurting. We became weak and ran into the car, locking it and trying to get away from the road.
"We are close to the house." Kabili said weakly.
"The Zombies are much here in California." The white woman said behind.
Her daughter's face became pale white. She was breathing aloud, her eyes were closed as tears ran out of them.
"She will be fine." I said to the woman, she nodded pensively.
Kambili got to Smith's house few hours later. As Kambili and I jumped out from the car. I helped the woman in carrying her child. I was scared that she might turn and bite me hard on the neck.
The whole neighborhood was quiet and lonely. Only sounds of birds and light snarling of zombies were heard from afar.
Kambili hit the door hard with an axe, and clicked it open. We all got into Smith's house in a light excitement.
I laid the young girl on the carpet, while Kambili ran to look for water, food and first aid.
"Nobody is here!" she shouted from the inner room."
"We will spend the night here, until we can get a better place to stay." I replied softly.
"There is food!" Kambili said in a loud voice.
I stood up and joined her in the kitchen.
"We are going to survive this." She whispered.
"I can't remember the last time I heard that Nne." She sighed as she puts water in a pot.
"Amen?" I asked amazingly.
"Yes. For twenty years now in America, I haven't been to church. Only my daughter goes to the cathedral for mass and some programs held my the Reverend sisters."
I glanced up at her. " Why? What has God done to you?"
"God doesn't love me Nne. He doesn't love everyone, I am one of the people he doesn't love. God forsook me twenty years ago, when he let mama die on Inweka road. When he didn't let her live to see my brother Obinna, her only son graduate from University.
She toiled to send him there, but didn't live to see him in his graduation uniform. It was always her dream. God forsook me when he let papa die, few days to Adanna's wedding.
Why didn't he just keep him alive until after the wedding?" Her voice quivers now. " Papa was a catechist in the roman catholic church for years. He should have died honourably Nne."
"That doesn't mean there's no God."
"If there is God, why would he let us suffer this way. He let your husband die just few years after your wedding. Were you not serving him at that time?" She turned her face to offer me rosemary leaves. "Wash them." she said softly.
A loud scream from downstairs skipped our hearts. Kambili pulled out a gun from the kitchen cabinet, while I took a kitchen knife.
We ran hastily down stairs and met a small little zombie girl. It was the same daughter of the white woman. She had turned, her mother held her two hands tight, weeping Aloud; while she struggled to bite her skin.
Kambili and I watched, our hearts were pounding hard.
®Vicky Bon
Photo Model: Sonequa Martin Green
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