Akwa Ibom: As The Deputy Speaker Finally Bows To Pressure, What Okobo People Expect - Sirealsilver

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Akwa Ibom: As The Deputy Speaker Finally Bows To Pressure, What Okobo People Expect

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By Joseph Inyang

After periods of agitations for presentation of scorecard by the honorable member representing the good people of Okobo State Constituency in Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly (AKHA), it was heartwarming to hear the news of a new date for Constituency Briefing/Empowerment programs for the second time after the first date was cancelled indefinitely.

This event which is scheduled for Wednesday 26th April 2017 is a welcome development and it is commendable.

This has never happened in Okobo LGA because people failed to initiate and agitate for it. This is an achievement recorded by our passionate advocacy for good governance and accountable political leadership.

This feet is what even our critics can not deny. It has further strengthen our courage to sustain our advocacy for good governance, quality and accountable political leadership in Okobo and beyond.

But then I must commend my fellow passionate and dogged patriotic advocates John Ntekim, Marshal Abia, Bassey Mark Effiong, Zeagamex John, Isaac Okon, Augustine Ntekim, Collins Effiong, Effiom Boy Anso, Victor Job, Peter Linus, Linus Bassey, Moses Usoh, Julius Ebrene, Bassey Asukwo and others.

Thank you for expanding and sustaining the good fight. We are not direct beneficiaries of the empowerment programs, but we are highly elated that our struggles has began to yield results.

It was never about us but for the betterment of entire Okobo people now and in the future. Nelson Mandela did it for the people. Rev Martin Luther did it for the people.

We have to do it for the people. "Aluta Continua, Victoria Ascerta" therefore we can not be weary in welldoing.

Although our sincere advocacy has been given sentimental and political coloration, yet we can't be deterred because we are driven by the right passion. For posterity sake, we must do the needful. We can't postpone today's Question for tomorrow.

We can not fail our generation and the generations unborn, even if others might have failed our generation.

We must be committed to use what we have (our voice) to seek for a better ideal for our people. We have not yet ascended the eldorado, but we are surely making progress.

Like it is often said "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step", we have taken the step, and certainly we shall get there.

I want to also apologize to Hon Princess Felicia Bassey for the effect of the agitations and advocacy on her. It is not just about her, but our sincere dissatisfaction on the deplorable and devastating nature of Okobo LGA through out successive governments.

People must always standup to begin a process at a time and that is what we are doing. We can not procrastinate any longer. This is just the beginning as subsequent governments will be x-ray from the first day.

We must hold people entrusted with our mandate to ransom because the fundamental duty of government is to serve the people. Government is the servant of the people and not their master as it is being portray or practice in our society.

I want to inform us that what is worth doing is worth doing well. This being the first time and from interaction with the people, it became pertinent that I made known the expectations of the people which will also be used as a yardstick for the evaluation of the event.

1. Bills sponsored, motions moved by the deputy speaker and their expected impact on the populace.

2. The level of intervention by Hon Felicia Bassey towards the planned seizure of part of Okobo territory at Esuk Inwang to Uruan LGA.

3. The level of awarenes created and assistance sought for by Hon Felicia Bassey toward the negative impact of gully erosion that is consistently eroding Ekeya and part of Okopedi and producing a death-trap valley.

4. Update on the construction of Ataobong road, and Utine-Nduong road in Offi Ward II

5. Meaningful empowerment packages for those in need. ( youths, students, window, physically challenged, etc).

6. Constituency projects (new/intervention) executed or that will be executed.
The deputy speaker should not try to take glory from Governor Udom Emmanuel road construction in Okobo.

These are meant to serve as a guide for a successful Constituency Briefing/Empowerment programs. Let's not forget that, as the number 2 person in AKHA, expectations are high.

While some political plans and other scripts are going on to forcefully present decampees from APC to PDP in a bit to satisfy political ego, we should not loose sight of the main objective of the objectives and expectations of the event.
Okobo people deserves Good Governance, Quality, Sensitive and Accountable Leadership.

Yak Abasi Odiong Okobo LGA.
Akwa Ibom: As The Deputy Speaker Finally Bows To Pressure, What Okobo People Expect Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 25, 2017 Rating: 5 By Joseph Inyang After periods of agitations for presentation of scorecard by the honorable member representing the good people of O...

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