Wendy didn't forget to tell us that her
handbag was original Armani, and that her winter jacket was an original
Gucci, or that her hair was the pure virgin hair her husband Augustus
bought for her from India.
She didn't forget to show us pictures of the vacation She and Augustus went for at Portland and Puerto Rico.
"It was awesome, I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to own this amazing man" Wendy said, hijacking her handbag.
"Off I go best friend!"
I was almost too weary and heartsick to talk to anyone, so I just nodded silently. Wendy gave me a peck on the cheeks and hugged Arusi.
"Bye ladies, let me go see my loving husband."
"Okay bye." Arusi whispered as Wendy slammed the door.
"Lucky Wendy. With all her drama filled life and craziness, she still had the luck of meeting a responsible man."
"Wendy and Augustus have dated for long. Since back in Nigeria. When she came over to America, she made provisions for him to join her."
"How does that stop him from being a good man Etiene? A good man is a good man, whether he lived in Nigeria before or America."
Arusi said and leaned casually against the wall, the hardness in her eyes was a warning that I should talk less of Wendy's husband and think of how I was going to get over Shan.
An idea came to her, and she blurted out, "I am sure Shan will come here today, we should pour him a full bucket of ice, so that he won't come back." Her eyes became hooded.
"Maybe you will pour the ice on him, for me, I don't wanna ever see his face again."
Arusi poured milk into a saucer, and then crumpled several slices of crisp bacon into a bowl and handed it to me.
"My birthday is in few weeks." I said, as I sipped the crisp gradually.
"The first birthday you are going to celebrate without Shan in America." She muttered.
"Do not bring Shan into our conversations. I can have a happy birthday without him."
How did you meet Shan?" Arusi threw the question at me like a bomb.
"Facebook, we met on Facebook."
"What? Facebook?" she giggled.
"After I lost my family in a ghastly motor accident. I paid a tribute to my mom on my timeline, he saw it and chatted me up. He told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
That year, he wanted me to come visit him here in America, but I was scared. He used to send me lots of money, even when I never met him. So I trusted him, and then I decided to relocate as he demanded.
He knew I loved modeling, so he enrolled me in Pennsylvania. Got me this apartment, gave me money monthly.
He is like my Daddy." I said, my voice quivered as tears ran down my eyes.
Suddenly the door bell rang. Arusi rushed to see who was at the door.
"It's Shan." She whispered aloud.
My heart trembled.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"Joking! it's the pizza guy!" I gave a loud sigh of relieve as I fell back on the couch.
Story By VickyBon
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