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Reports of the commissioning of a Tank Farm in Ibaka hit every corner of AKS yesterday.. Laughably, it formed part of the governor's list of projects commissioned in the state to mark his second term anniversary on the saddle.. Being one of the projects commissioned by government, one is forced to ask;


The other question seeking for answer is, why the choice of Ibaka as the location for the Tank Farm Project?.. This question becomes necessary as every damn thing designated for Ibaka has been carefully taken away to other locations without any explanation..

From the look of things, it is very obvious the present government has resolved to perpetually keep Oro out of its development scheme, economic cum sociopolitical wise.. Reasons are crystal clear:

1. The construction of an International Jetty in Ikot Abasi has received tremendous attention from AKS government..

2. Ikot Abasi is now the Industrial Hub (tagged Industrial Park) in AKS..

3. The purported dualisation of Nsit Atai - Oron Road has ended up like the patching of a farmstead track in a remote village etc...

When one puts these realities side by side the fact that; *the Ikot Abasi International Jetty has fully diverted government's attention from the much talked about Ibaka Deep Seaport and that

*Ikot Abasi Industrial Park has swallowed up the earlier designated Ibaka Industrial City; any Thomas would be satisfied and fully persuaded that Oro Nation has been tactfully frozen by the system..

Oro's Political Professors in the PDP may not be comfortable with these hard truths.. If they disagree with what is stated above then, they should answer the following questions:

*The International Jetty in Ikot Abasi was claimed to be for servicing Ibaka Deep Seaport.. Why then construct a servicing facility for a Seaport yet to be constructed?.. Again, agreed that it is for servicing Ibaka Deep Seaport, why site a servicing facility for Ibaka Deep Seaport in faraway shallow waters of Ikot Abasi?.. Is that international best practice?..

*Why can't any of Motor Assembly Plant, Toothpick and Pencil Factory, Syringe Factory, Ultra Modern Hatchery and Poultry, 2000 Mexican Cows etc. come to Oro Nation?..

*Jesus told His disciples, "And these signs shall follow them that believe...".. What will the Political Calculators in Mbo show to their people to make them sing the dakkada (servitude) song with pride?..

What will the Custodians of Political Luck in Udung Uko point to as benefits accruing to their people from their state government; to motivate the people to continue to dance to the dakkada tunes?..

Do the Political Katangas in Urue-Offong/Oruko have tangible progress to report to their people as 2019 approaches?.. How about the Political Hippopotamuses of Okobo?.. What glad tiding do they have for Okobo people from their state government?..

Above all, what can the almighty Political Super Leaders of Oron LGA show to their people as proofs of the government's goodwill towards them for two years of toeing the dakkada path?.. What then are those signs of democratic dividends following the dakkada ambassadors in Oro Nation?..

It is regrettably sad that, Oro Leaders in the PDP are unarguably unable to tell their governor that it is unfair for his government to OSTRACISE Oro..

They have not told him the truth in its ugly state.. Oro Leaders in the PDP are perpetually in their laboratories busy with the invention of new truths other than the realities on ground.. They unfortunately hold several patents for utopian truths about how HE treats Oro Nation..

It would do them a world of good if, they could for once decide to ride to Oro in smaller vehicles other than their sophisticated machines .. Only then, shall Our Leaders appreciate how bad it has been these two years..

Ostracised?.. Our Leaders may ask, and I will very hastily say, YES, OSTRACISED! If they claim Oro is not OSTRACISED then, Our Leaders should look at the following issues critically:

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Men should explain why a believer governor, DEACON Udom Emmanuel would conclusively REFUSE to recognise all the LGAs in Oro Nation as SUMPTUOUSLY OIL BEARING and OIL PRODUCING even after a resolution of the Nigerian Federal Parliament and a follow up memo to that effect by the Nigerian Federal Government.

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Men and Women in PDP should explain why it is only Oro that is not represented in the SWC of the PDP in AKS..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Super Political Leaders in the PDP should tell us why NO Oro person can be mentioned amongst the 1st Ten in AKS Executive Council..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Oro's Big Names in the PDP should proudly mention which of them sits in the decision-making circle of the present government..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Men should tell why NO Oro person is a substantive fulltime chairman of any agency, board, or commission in AKS..

If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Men should answer why NO Oro person heads any Grade A agency, board, commission or ministry in AKS..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Names in the PDP should tell us why HE cannot appoint at least 5 of about 40 permanent secretaries in AKS from Oro Nation..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Leaders should say why HE could not appoint Chief Jerry Okpo's wife as
HOS, AKS and does not even consider it needful to give that position to Oro given that Oro is bare..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Men should mention one Oro Super SA, PA or Commissioner..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Men should explain why Ikot Abasi International Jetty and Industrial Park should take precedence over Ibaka Deep Seaport and Ibdustrial City..

*If Oro is not ostracised, Our Big Men should point to one impressive state government's project on Oro's soil etc...

Shall Our Big Men and Women continue to die in silence?.. How do they feel when they ride in convoys enroute other Big Men's communities for commissioning of meaningful projects?..

What happens to their self worth in the midst of other Big Men who head Grade A agencies, boards, commissions and ministries?.. How proud do Our Big Men feel sitting in AKS PDP caucus?..

Are they very comfortable that the only time commissioning can happen in Oro is when the private interests of Big Men from other sections of the state forecloses Oro's chances of ever taking advantage of their God-given strategic locations for certain businesses as in the case Ibaka Tank Farm and Oro's coastline?..

I weep for my beloved Oro Nation; not because there is no hope for the days to come but, because those at the forefront refuse to speak out, to say the truth the way it is..

Sadly, Our Big Men refuse to tell the governor the truth in love.. They fear to be tagged unloyal.. They fear to be dropped from the demeaning and beggarly positions they are given.. They fear to lose the relevance that does not not even exist..

They fear to sacrifice non existing friendship and trust.. They have failed themselves by failing to tell HE in love, the truth about the sorry state of Oro..

I pity Our Big Men.. They have forgotten the history of their root.. They are from the stalk of bravery.. Their ancestors were very vocal.. Their progenitors would usually think through decisions before settling on actions..

They are offsprings of those who habitually told the truth in love.. I pray for Our Big Men for they have erred in thoughts and deeds..

Posterity shall asterisk their names.. Generations to come shall inquire to know what they told the governor and shall upon their findings judge them accordingly..

So many of them may live to fight their consciences for refusing to face the real battle.. Oh! What a pity to die several times over before one's final death!..

Oro Nation may be trampled but not destroyed.. Her place in Akwa Ibom may be delayed but can never be denied.. The resources God Almighty in His magnanimity, deposited in Oro Nation shall not forever be plundered to Oro's detriment..

We have not lost the battle let alone, the war.. Oro shall raise the Victor's Anthem in time not distant.. We have a very serious stake in AKS..

AKSG UPHOLDS EVIL TRADITION OF DECEIVING ORO NATION: WHO OWNS IBAKA TANK FARM? Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 26, 2017 Rating: 5 Reports of the commissioning of a Tank Farm in Ibaka hit every corner of AKS yesterday.. Laughably, it formed part of the governor'...

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