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Ulap Etim Ante

It is an established fact that God of heaven has endowed Akwa Abasi Ibom State with enormous human and material resources. Created on the 23rd September 1987 alongside with Katsina state, Akwa Ibom State is fast growing in terms of infrastructural and manpower development and with great economic potential which can compete favourably with other states of the federation and beyond.

There are large quantities of hydrocarbon deposits and other mineral resources in our onshore and offshore environment, green vegetation/fertile soil for agricultural development for food sufficiency, quality sea foods found in our oceans, rivers, estuaries and streams surrounding Akwa Ibom state and many other untapped resources . These go a long way to prove that our ecosystem is second to none in the world. And this is solely and wholly the handy work of the most high God. 

The political stability we are enjoying , the cooperate existence and our unity in diversity , safe environment from several natural disasters , global infirmities and endemic diseases as well as the sound cultural heritage of our dear state speaks volume of our founding father’s decision to name the state after the most high God, Akwa Abasi Ibom state and the land of promise of this generation.

Suffice to therefore submit that , if actually we believe that our dear state is God’s own state, which God’s glory is manifesting graciously at all times, we must grow beyond the ordinary and ensure that we do everything humanly possible to attract and appreciate God’s presence constantly to the state and we must as matter of necessity create, raise and establish a solid and Universal Sanctuary for God in our dear Akwa Abasi Ibom State so that God’s grace , mercy and abundant blessings may continue to flow in all facets of our lives. 

Biblically , when Joshua as the leader of the people of Israel led the Israelites to the promised land, they unanimously decided to erect an alter to God, an act which was not only commendable, but was a point of contact between the Isrealites and God their creator. It is therefore not out of place if such a laudable act is emulated by our amiable Governor.


The economic benefit of the international worship center cannot be overemphasized. The Israeli government and the Jewish inhabitants are embracing pilgrimage throughout the world because of the crucial tourism exploits, which has culminated into the present economic boom in Israel, but not because of their belief in our Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of mankind.

It should be noted that upon the completion of the international worship center, world class evangelists, like Renhard Bonke, Chris Oyakhilome, Rev (Dr) Uma Ukpai and other super preachers of the gospel of truth , including our own illustrious sons and daughters who are making waves and advancing in religious attainments can hold their international crusade in this International worship centre. It is true that this laudable programmes can take some days or it could be a week long programme, there will be influx of people in Uyo, the capital city of the state and its environs. This will directly boost the economic lives of our dear state, as hotels will be fully booked, transportation patronage will be high and the multiplier effect on other economic subsectors will be enormous.


 The completion of this wonderful project will attract many priest of God of the most high to Akwa Ibom. We all know that spiritual assignments like crusade, convention and evangelism are always preceded by high spiritual preparation like fasting and constant prayers, and the presence of high priest of God for these evangelical assignments will always shower the state with immeasurable blessing to the glory of God.

When Jacob wrestled with an angel of God and received his blessing, he was led by the spirit of God to build a place of worship called Bethel and his name was changed from Jacob to Israel for this singular act Gen 28 : 17 - 22. More so, when Nehemiah sorted the consent of the governor to go and build the broken walls of Jerusalem, there was opposition from the likes of Tobia, Geshem and Sambalat, but Nehemaiah used vigilantic approach to commence the project and complete same in no distant time. Nehemiah 2 : 19 - 20 

Since Governor Udom Emmanuel is a leader who likes seeking the face of God before and after every major event, we deserve to have a befitting place of worship in the state. We cannot afford to be hosting the all-important Christmas Carol Night in the sport stadium, the money used in preparing various stages which runs into millions of naira and other logistics will remain in the state purse.

From time immemorial, places of worship are always sacred and sanctified for that purpose. It is on record that we have built a world class sport stadium for all round sport activities. It is also true that we have built a world class entertainment center, Ibom Tropicana for all manner of entertainment, film/ cinema show, and all other mundane practices. If we have built all these including a fantastic cultural centre for all cultural and social gathering known as Ibom Hall, why can’t we also build an International worship center for God.

It takes a man of high spiritual values like His Excellency, Deac. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel to initiate such a valuable and spiritually oriented project. It is true that an occultist who will always appear in a day time as a saint will not appreciate this edifying project, a carnally minded fellow will do everything humanly possible to discredit and discourage this unique project , but all to no avail, because Balak could not cause Balaam to curse the Isrealites who the blessed generation, Numbers 22 : 11 – 39 and Harman could not also pevail over Queen Esther and Mordecai in the kingdom of King Ahasuerus , neither can Lucifer withstand the superior fire power of our Lord Jesus Christ . It is true that the character of our Governor depicts heavenly qualities and all his three names are synonymous with Godly virtues.

Udom- Ubok Udom Abasi, Gabriel- An Angel of God, Emmanuel- God with us

The governor has brought many notable priests of God to bless this state from the inception of his administration and this has yielded positive result, in view of the prevailing peace and remarkable progress in the state. We have used billions of naira to build a five star hotel and Point 4 Sheraton for our personal comfort and some conducive hospitality of visitors.

Our forebears, including Prof. Eyo Ita, Dr. Ibanga Udo Akpabio, Chief Effiong Okon Eyo (Eyo Uyo), Justice Udo Udoma, Obong Udo Adiaha Attah, Obong Sampson Idiong, Obong Samson Udo Etuk, Barr Oyukunyi O. Ita , Dr Esin Anwana Esin, Ahta Okon Isong and many others not mentioned, laboured seriously and prayed fervently for the creation of mainland or Core state as they proposed, but God of heaven manifested his glory and created Akwa Abasi Ibom state when all hope were lost.
We should all be prepared to contribute meaningfully for the actualization of the project. Records show that our parents contributed their hard earned money to build churches in their generations ,which we are seeing today in our villages and cities and we have also been contributing our quota for the building of various modern churches . We cannot pretend to be ignorant of how churches are built gradually with collective efforts of those concern the world over.

In some cases, some well meaning personalities in the world have embarked on building of churches foe the worship of God as was done by King Solomon of old ,and was appreciated by the Queen of Sheba, when she learnt of the fame of King Solomom ,and she was amazed by the Temple he built for the most high God.1st king 10 : 1 – 10 . A lot of people have bought private jets to some priest of high repute. Therefore our own case cannot be an exception. We cannot wait until we have all the monies in this world before we start building a befitting place of worship for God as a mark of appreciation for all that He has done for us in the state. We cannot afford to be hovering around the sport stadium and Ibom hall ground struggling with hired canopies , rubber chairs and unstabled podiums , which is a cultural centre to worship our most high God ,who has done magnificience and wonderful things in our lives.

Going down memory lane, it is interesting to note that Nigerian Government has built Christian ecumenical center in Abuja and the central mosque.

Almost all the government in the northern states have built central mosque for Muslim to worship their Allah, we have built several gigantic buildings for our socio-cultural organizations in the state, we have Mboho Mkparawa Ibibio hall in Udoudoma avenue , Oro Civic Center, Assan Ibibio, ongoing Afe Annang hall and Atti Annang hall etc, which the Government and indeginous personalities contributed reasonably to build in some cases

Our detractors should note that it was not our socio-cultural activities, sport activities and entertainment exploits that gave us Akwa Abasi Ibom state, but God did it according to his loving kindness . 2Samuel 7:13 “ He shall build an house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

When God raises a man who is after His heart, a priest of high repute to lead His people, He will be inspired to work according to His will and to promote the ordinances of God as stated in 1 Samuel 2:35 which says “And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in my heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house : and he shall walk before mine anointed forever”

God Almighty also commanded His people of the twelve tribes of Israel to build a house for Him in 2 Samuel 7:7 as stated below 

 “In all the places wherein I have walked with all the children of Israel spake I a word with any of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people, Israel, saying, why build ye not me an house of Ceder ”The scripture has also made it clear in 2nd cor 9 : 6 “ But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully.

It is a pity that some people are dabbling into serious spiritual matters indiscriminately without considering the spiritual implication of such action, how on earth can someone cast aspersion on a spiritual Father like Pastor Enoch Adeboye who performed the foundation laying ceremony of the International worship centre in Uyo , on the 20th Jan. 2018 on the invitation of Akwa Abasi Ibom State Government? What manner of sin has this reputable Priest committed? As a matter of fact, the man Enoch Adeboye , the General Oversear of the Redeemed Christian Church of God is well respected the world over, similarly , His Excellency Deacon Udom Emmanuel is also a very revered personality ,whose impeccable character is recognized and appreciated beyond the shores of this country and we all know him to be a world class noble manager of both Human and material resources. I am always terrified and conscious of the repercussion associated with such nefarious act as recorded in the scripture according to Romans chapter 13 verse 1 – 7. Those of us who are friendly with the Law should know that there are two types of learned gentlemen in the world, The Lawyers and the Priest of the most high God, the Lawyers are vested with various laws of the land, that is man-made laws ,while the Priest of God are vested with Divine law and all the ordinances of heaven, and any man made law that contravene the divine law is inconsequential ,null and void ab initio. It is true that violating court orders and indiscriminate conduct against the Judge while on duty is contempt of court and is a punishable offence, it must also be noted that casting aspersion and unnecessary innuendo against a Priest of God for performing such a fruitful and worthy assignment can attract the wrath of heaven. 

 In the light of the above , the significance of the International worship centre cannot be over emphasized . It is not therefore out of place if such a laudable act is emulated by our amiable and God fearing Governor ,His Excellency Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel. It is therefore absolutely necessary for Akwa Ibom State to have a world class International worship centre as a matter of urgency. All hands must be on deck to fulfill this heavenly desire, the onus is on the state Government to start mobilizing funds from corporate bodies, Captain of Industries, prominent sons and daughters of Akwa Ibom State and the general public to commence the project immediately, believing that whatsoever a man sows so shall he reap.
IMPERATIVES OF A CENTRAL WORSHIP CENTRE IN AKWA IBOM STATE (1) Reviewed by sirealsilver on February 07, 2018 Rating: 5 Ulap Etim Ante It is an established fact that God of heaven has endowed Akwa Abasi Ibom State with enormous human and material res...

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