Ugandan medical doctors begin indefinite strike - Sirealsilver

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Ugandan medical doctors begin indefinite strike

Ugandan medical doctors begin indefinite?strike
Medical doctors in Uganda have began an indefinite strike at all government facilities, despite a reported threat to jail striking medics.  

The country's doctors are protesting poor pay, a lack of medical equipment and what they say are the arbitrary arrests of their colleagues accused of corruption.  

Uganda's Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda met with organisers to urge them to call off the walk out while the government looked into their demands.  However, his request was shot down with boos.  Last week, President Yoweri Museveni said he would call a state of emergency should the strike go ahead.  

The Uganda Medical Association said he also threatened to arrest striking doctors although the president's press secretary denied this.
Ugandan medical doctors begin indefinite strike Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 07, 2017 Rating: 5 Medical doctors in Uganda have began an indefinite strike at all government facilities, despite a reported threat to jail striking medics...

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