29-year-old man, Peeya Payae is under arrest at Vachira Hospital on Tuesday, after he allegedly killed his girlfriend by stabbing her in the head and then stabbed her brother before jumping off Khao Rang Viewpoint, Phuket Town, Thailand, in an attempted suicide.
Police found 30-year-old Anusara Musoh with severe wounds on the back of her head inside the room where she lived with her boyfriend, Payae.
The neighbours have told the police that they heard an argument but didn’t pay attention as the pair often fought in the past. That was until they heard the woman scream yesterday. After the scream neighbours told police they saw Peeya walking down from the 4th floor and riding his motorbike away.
People who heard the screams tried to open the room to check on Anusara but the door was locked from the outside. But they could see blood on the floor through the window. They broke in and called Narenthorn Centre (1669) for emergency services but the woman died before the help arrived.
Just after police arrived to start their investigation there was another report about a man who had been stabbed in his rented house about 2 kilometres from the apartment where the 30 year old woman had been killed. Police found 26 year old Rewet Tingnui had been stabbed in his cheek. When questioned, police found that he was the brother of Anusara and that he had been attacked by Peeya.
Not long after, police received reports that a man had jumped off Khao Rang Viewpoint. A few hundred metres down the hill police found Peeya who was severely injured.
He was sent to Vachira Hospital and is under heavy security while he recovers. Police will detain him for questioning.
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