2 Timothy 4:7-8 KJV
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto
all them also that love his appearing”
I am reminded of a little drama that took place in my
house with one of my sons. In his primary school days, he could get careless
with his assignments from school at times. So, his teachers began to discipline
him when he failed to do his homework, and it became effective. On one blessed
morning, just before going to school, we found him crying profusely, and we
found out he had forgotten one particular home work. We suggested he presented
it the next day since he was already late for school, but he refused. He did
not want to appear in school without his homework done; he rather preferred to
be late to school.
Well, he was late to school that day because the home
work had to be done. When I saw that, I was reminded of our homework, given to
us by the Lord Jesus Himself, before He ascended. He has asked us to preach the
gospel to every creature, and making disciples of them. If a little boy could
be so distressed about appearing before his teacher without his homework, it
baffles me that believers are the least bothered about appearing before God
without the assignment of souls accomplished. For we will appear before the
judgement seat of Christ to present our homework or assignment; and chiefest of
which is the mission to save the lost. An ancient song writer (Charles C.
Luther) said “shall I go an empty handed, must I meet my Saviour so? Not one
soul with which to greet Him? Must I an empty-handed go”?
As we can see in our text, Paul was excited to meet with Jesus because he had
finished his assignment. He had many souls to present to the master, and he was
sure of receiving his crown which is partly the reward for his soul winning
mission. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to meet with Him without a
completed assignment. I want to bring trophies of souls to Jesus by all means
possible. Please share this quest with me; let this become your passion.
Determine that no soul will end up in a godless eternity in Jesus Name.
Receive grace to finish your assignment in Jesus Name.
-Lord please forgive me for ever trivializing the eternity of the lost souls
around me in Jesus Name.
-Lord please forgive me for procrastinating my homework and assignment of
reaching the lost.
-Lord please fill my heart with passion for lost souls in Jesus Name.
-Cause me to value souls the way you do in Jesus Name.
-Father install in me that sense of urgency where souls are concerned in Jesus
If a little boy could be so distressed about appearing before his teacher
without his homework, then believers should be really bothered about how they
will appear before God.
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