Check out deplorable state of staff quarters of government primary school in Akwa Ibom State (Photos) - Sirealsilver

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Check out deplorable state of staff quarters of government primary school in Akwa Ibom State (Photos)

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Read post and see pictures below as shared by facebook user, Victoria Akpabio....

I once again want to draw the attention of the Akwa Ibom state government, Uruan representative,Uruan Transition Chairman and individuals to the deplorable state of staff quarters of Government Primary school, Ibiaku Issiet, Uruan LGA.

The present state of the building is terrible! In the oil state like Akwa Ibom we still have such building... Chai! Adiok aboho... So... I'm appealing to the state government to please do something to rescue the situation now before something terrible happens.

See more pictures below...

Image may contain: sky, house, table, outdoor and natureImage may contain: sky, house, table, outdoor and nature

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Check out deplorable state of staff quarters of government primary school in Akwa Ibom State (Photos) Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 14, 2017 Rating: 5 Read post and see pictures below as shared by facebook user, Victoria Akpabio.... I AM HERE AGAIN SEEKING FOR YOUR HELP ! I once ...

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