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Today is 10th November, 2017. It's about 13 months to the next presidential election. Nigerians know all possible presidential aspirants as nobody can emerge from the blues at this point and make any impact in the race. Nigeria is too big, complex and diverse for that to happen.
I can understand when some Nigerians objectively criticize the PMB led federal government with a view to getting the government to give more attention to certain areas of our national life. This is very healthy and patriotic.
But if you don't see anything good in this administration and till now you can't tell us who your presidential aspirant or candidate is, I'm sorry to inform you that you are merely entertaining yourself. And this pleasurable pastime will result in frustration by 2019. I expect you to have clear objectives for your actions. If you say PMB is bad, please present an alternative. Endless fault finding has never solved any problem.
We are almost in 2018 and there's no formidable presidential material from northern Nigeria who can pose any serious threat to PMB.
Prior to the 2015 presidential election, while some of us were criticizing GEJ, we were also promoting the then GMB.
By this time, GMB was being courted by Nigerians across age grades, social strata and party lines.Because of his previous experiences,Nigerians wanted him more than he wanted them. Even those who were members of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) were openly canvassing for the candidature of GMB in the interest of Nigeria.GMB killed partisanship in 2015.
Today, it doesn't matter your reservations about PMB,you can't point at one possible presidential rival in the opposition who is to him what he was to GEJ. I challenge you to name one.
President Buhari was begged and persuaded to rescind his decision of quitting the presidential race and possibly partisan politics after losing the 2011 presidential election. I was part of the army of Nigerian youths and patriots who clamoured for the Buhari presidency. I can confirm to you that I have never regretted that decision.
The Buhari should contest advocacy was predicated on two major factors-
1. His antecedents and disciplined lifestyle offered a clear alternative to the government of the day.
2. An analysis of his previous efforts showed that with more support from disenchanted Nigerians, he would defeat the incumbent.
To confirm the potency of the Buhari threat, he was the subject of attacks by the ruling Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) long before he won the APC ticket. I used to wonder why the personality of a mere aspirant in a newly formed opposition party would rattle an incumbent administration to that degree.
Here we are at the twilight of 2017. You may not like his style and you can describe him in whatever adjective. What you cannot argue is that PMB has dwarfed every possible presidential aspirant ahead of 2019.
It's only a PMB who can get the public endorsement of an opposition Governor 13 months to election. In case you didn't know, the Governor of Ebonyi State Governor, Mr Dave Umahi is begging PMB to seek re-election.If you understand our political landscape, more endorsements from opposition figures are coming in the months ahead.
While their facebook supporters are busy denigrating PMB, most opposition Governors are inclined towards working for PMB.
I know for a fact that PMB has more secret endorsements from notable but unlikely political figures than Nigerians are aware of. So many of these opposition leaders who are publicly criticizing PMB are merely bidding time before declaring their support.
As a person, I'm bothered about the post 2023 Nigeria because a nation of over 180 million people should have abundance of presidential materials.
For now, love or hate him, it's PMB till 2023 unless he doesn't run.
This is my candid opinion. You are free to hold yours. We will review our positions after the presidential election in 2019.
Omen Bassey

2019: IF YOU ARE SERIOUS, NAME YOUR PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 11, 2017 Rating: 5 Today is 10th November, 2017. It's about 13 months to the next presidential election. Nigerians know all possible presidential as...

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