Vote of no confidence against Hon. Emmanuel Ekon amounts to an unconscionable crime against the youths - Aide - Sirealsilver

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Vote of no confidence against Hon. Emmanuel Ekon amounts to an unconscionable crime against the youths - Aide

By AmanamHillary Umo-Udofia

We live in very interesting times!

I thought it was an epiphany, then I suddenly realised I was dabbling into an area I really not know about. I only held my sway in politics as a student unionist until I decided to bid farewell to it. Yes, I had denounced politics in whatever guise but I want to remain among the next generation of young people working to revolutionise Africa’s political processes.

Call me a neophyte but let me make some super sense here - I care not about politics nor its interest and I care not about the ‘politics’ of politics. I care about processes; I care about strong institutions; I care that young people must rise up and challenge the success of history, reflect on the challenges and envision a great future.

I believe in the power of pen over guns; I believe that no amount of momentary falsehood can triumph over truth nor coerce the liberty of a freeborn. In exercising the power of my pen, I will confront the patronization of mediocres over cerebrals; I will advocate need to reduce the untidiness of politics and tilt towards the path of sanity. Never will I sit and watch anyone mortgage my future nor that of generations to come, never!

Call this whatever you may like – nah you sabi! I am duty-bound to enter an open and candid opinion on the sheer parade of arrogance exemplified by few disgruntled youth leaders and their sponsors under the aegis of College of Youth Leaders, to pass a vote of no confidence against Hon. Emmanuel Ekon, and I challenge anyone with counter arguments to come forward.

Let me take that nonsensical communique by its fake substance. First, the purported three-hour meeting is arrant falsehood with recourse to information available to me. It is true that these elements convened a meeting to further their petty political narrative since last week, scavenging for signatures and in worst case intimidating non-yielding youth leaders. To their utmost disappointment, fifteen out of eighteen youth leaders that constitute the College of Youth Leaders bluntly refused to be part of such unconstitutionality, hence they resorted to using known cronies but listen: we are too many to be intimidated!

I will not resort to name calling, but it surprises me that for over three years, Etim Ekpo has witnessed wanton killings and acts of criminality. The College of Youth Leaders for whatever reasons never called an emergency meeting to condemn massive killings of innocent people. I am forced to think that those who don’t speak out against evil could even be the perpetrators of such dastardly acts – is this the case of College of Youth Leaders and their sponsors? Only posterity will judge!

One would wonder, on whose authority did these elements rely on to speak on such a weighty security issue? The import of paragraph 2 of that communique is beyond accusing Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Ekon of politicization, it is an open allegation that the Inspector General of Police was induced and that the police acted on a fictitious petition. It is only just and wise that this isn’t swept under the carpet; it must be thoroughly investigated. Secondly, if their sponsors are so innocent as they purportedly claim – why worry about an issue that is being handled by security agencies? This is purely diversionary and a clear demonstration of exuberance and rascality.

To buttress the height of their irrationality, Ubong Umanah - a civil servant, breached the ethics of civil service to be part of such a demonic plot. This is cheaper than cheap!

The time being so close to electoral decision, we can understand the haste of some to resort to shortcuts. In the process however, they must be reminded not to commit the error of opening the space to elements whose curative touch is to unleash lies, tension and further personal interest.

I am not holding a brief against this College of Youth Leaders but I accept records are not kept simply to assist the weakness of memory, but to operate as guides to the future. If the concept of constituency briefing they talked about is empower constituents - Are we truly expected to forget the ICT centers at Abak and Etim Ekpo respectively equipped with 16 nos. desktop computers each and a generator, installation of 500KVA transformer at Ikot Obong Afaha Obong in Abak Local Government Area, installation of two 500KVA transformers in Etim Ekpo Ward 10 and one 500KVA in Ward 1, two solar water projects with two kilometers reticulation located at Nto Udo Ewan and Ikot Akpan Anwa - Ika Local Government Area?

And even if their sensibilities have become blunted by succeeding seasons of cruelty and brutality, if power itself had so coarsened the sensibilities also of our REAL STAKEHOLDERS and corrupted their judgment, have we forgotten the Three Classroom Blocks with Mono-pump and VIP toilets in Ikot Udobong - Etim Ekpo; The Community Hall in Etim Ekpo Ward 1 and Rural Electrification in Ward 10 spanning through five communities namely: Ikot Nyah, Edem Akai, Iwukem, Ikot Ekon and Ikot Anwak?

How about the construction and furnishing of a Community Library at Iwukem High School fully equipped with a generator, Comprehensive Health Centre at Etim Ekpo, construction of a 1km access road to Mobile Police Barracks, distribution of branded exercise books to primary school pupils across the Federal Constituency to support the free and compulsory education policy of the state government, rehabilitation of some primary healthcare facilities in Uruan and Ikono Local Government Areas through the Federal Government Sure-P Programme and facilitated the donation of 110 laptops to Akwa Ibom Polytechnic by NCC and the recent projects Commissioned by the then Honourable Minister of Special Duties Alhaji Kabiru Turaki, Have we forgotten?

Nor must we omit the most remarkable Iwukem-Ukanafun-Ekparakwa-Azumini dual carriageway; the oil and Gas Industrial Park – Onna, Youth Empowerment/Constituency Centre at Abak; the licensing and employment of 13 traffic controllers trained by Akwa Ibom State Government; facilitating the Halliburton Training Institute to Uyo and Sea Diving Training Facility to the Maritime Academy, Oron; Oil and Gas Training Centre at Government Technical College, Abak; purchase of JAMB forms for over 600 youths from Abak, Etim Ekpo and Ika Local Government Areas, and the training of over 400 youths in oil and gas industry; ICT centre in Ika with 50 units of desktop, internet, solar powered; ICT Centre in Ukanafun, Ikot Ekpene, Nasco Utu Etim Ekpo, Technical College, Abak and under construction now at Ikot Ese in Etim Ekpo LGA?

Going by the landmark projects listed so far, it becomes basic to declare that the purported vote of no confidence against Hon. Emmanuel Ekon amounts to an unconscionable crime against the youths of Abak/Etim Ekpo/Ika federal constituency, carried out in defiance of known constitutional dictates.

Fellow youths, let me speak to your conscience: power belongs to almighty God and He will allot it to whomsoever He selects. The present arrangements, additional concoctions, projecting and power-speaking by a select few are, therefore, of no moment and of no consequence!

I believe that the 2019 contest would be won on the basis of a superior program of action; upon parade of superior will, competence, knowledge, exposure and experience; in good conscience driven by Godly principles and upon the endorsement and support of the people. It will neither be won through intimidation, shortcuts nor reliance on existing, former appointees of government and personalities.

I rise!

Vote of no confidence against Hon. Emmanuel Ekon amounts to an unconscionable crime against the youths - Aide Reviewed by sirealsilver on October 27, 2017 Rating: 5 By   AmanamHillary Umo-Udofia We live in very interesting times! I thought it was an epiphany, then I suddenl...

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