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By Micheal Joseph Okon.

Quite often as a patriotic citizen I've wondered to myself if Udom Emmanuel cannot be wrong, I have assessed myself to ascertain if this is mere political loyalty, madness or foolishness of some sort. Of a truth I admire Udom Emmanuel to a fault though I read him from a distance, some will often tag me sycophant, a name I have gotten so used to it hardly disturbs me as far as my conscience supports my conviction that Mr Udom Emmanuel means well for this state and our greater posterity. 
Settling for the truth might be hard for some yet the pure in heart do know that what bothers common-average politicians in Nigeria doesn't bug Udom Emmanuel at all, the crave for mortal fame, the animosity of vanity evades his personality, the deception of power has no grip over the conscience of this rare gem of a leader. He has become an enigma, a model of some sort for the next generation. If I ever become a Governor or have the chance to lead in my little capacity, I shall seek to apply the Udom Emmanuel model.


To Udom Emmanuel political correctness will more often than not take the back seat when the future of the next generation is at stake, like a loving father he sacrifices his political comfort and goodwill for the next election so the next generation will have it easier than today. When the norm would have been to embezzle our collective patrimony on frivolous campaigns of so called stomach infrastructure while dancing to the many discordant tunes of overwhelming political interests, Mr Udom Emmanuel has gone ahead to instill the right ideology of greatness(DAKKADA) while simultaneously creating an enabling environment for any visionary youth to take advantage of. No doubt within two years begging for a living has become an embarrassment as against yesteryears when begging was gratifying and probably viewed as normal. If you do not see this change of mindset as commendable in Mr Udom Emmanuel's leadership prowess, then you have no place in the applauds of our unborn children for greatness starts from the way a people think. We have been compelled to think greatness, strength, creativity and global influence, to this I and many owe Mr Udom Emmanuel the honour of being tagged his sycophants.


When Mr Udom Emmanuel refused to assign unqualified teachers to tutor the next generation, it generated unprecedented outrage, but he never bulged nor caved-in to the many antics and tactics of detractors, he stood his ground until the right thing could be done for our children, today qualified and capable hands are being shortlisted for the grand job of educating and grooming a viable future. This is posterity at its peak for Education will remain the bridge that liberates the poor from age long grip of poverty. Politically, allowing the inconsistency to be then should have worked best for a Governor that seeks re-election, but not with Udom Emmanuel, he refused to allow his political interest to destroy the future of our children, he sacrificed his interest for our greater posterity, this is why I am his sycophant.
Making Education free and compulsory, paying millions of naira annually as WAEC fees so the less privileged could have the basics and space to take their world frees our spirits to respect him the more.


History has proven beyond doubt that government cannot and must be allowed to run profit oriented organizations because of its tendency of magnanimous fraud. Today we moan the outright sells of our share in Airtel then ECONET. Many moribund industries in the state lay comatose because our past leaders never had the political will to step aside and decide for the future being encumbered with varying political interest. Truth be told, the governed hardly understand why politicians would rather die in power for in pretending to lead in the interest of the electorates many are protecting their interest on all they stole from us, they seek to hold on to power so we never discover the evils they have done to us.
Of recent the management of our celebrated five star hotel and the specialist hospital has been shaken to the roots because Mr Udom Emmanuel has refused to stomach their lack of profitability. Its foolishness to invest in a project that hardly breaks-even over the years. Even God demands results on his investment called humanity. I bet this decision and call for accountability on our investment has not gone well with many who benefited from this thievery thus they attempt to sponsor articles of bad-blood in attempt to pitch Successor against Predecessor as if our past do not wish we progress from where they left for us to take over.
I can only imagine the dilemma of our leaders when the media tends to mount pressure on trivial issues as against the core matters of development. Many of us will forever give a thumbs up to Mr Udom Emmnauel for refusing to be conditioned towards the detects of political correctness as against posterity, we are thankful to God that he is our Governor today and we are hopeful that he shall be willing to serve us beyond 2019 for posterity beckons for stronger and more solid foundation that would have us stand tall as a Centre of global attention in no distant time.

Mr Udom Emmanuel is not the leader of the south south governors forum on default,Mr Udom Gabriel Emmanuel is not in partnership with the Lagos state government to host the southern governors forum that ignored to harness her strength in the Nigerian polity on error for the past 20 years. It’s a show of visionary leadership. Nigerians have seen direction in Udom Emmanuel, we his kinsmen must not allow political bickering forestall our support for him since his kind are rare per century. Watching him not shying away in making genuine demands for this great state and region endears us the more to a gentle but fearless leader. To Udom Emmanuel, it's all about the next generation and this what great leaders have always done.

*Micheal Joseph Okon* writes from Ituk-Mbang Village,Uruan

UDOM EMMANUEL; BUILDING A STATE ON POSTERITY Reviewed by sirealsilver on October 27, 2017 Rating: 5 By Micheal Joseph Okon. Quite often as a patriotic citizen I've wondered to myself if Udom Emmanuel cannot be wrong, I h...

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