Sack the Inspector General of Police Now - Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq. - Sirealsilver

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Sack the Inspector General of Police Now - Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.

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In any political system, one of the most important and irreplaceable institution is the policing sector. The law itself is lawless if there is nobody to enforce it.

The legislative arm of a government is traditionally saddled with the law making process, with adjudicatory functions assigned to the judiciary. However, in all of this processes, the law's teeth is felt only when it's tenets are executed, it's sanctions meted or enforced by a policing organ usually under the direct supervision of the executive.

The simple analysis above gives fibre to the concern that due attention needs be given to the unfolding but unfortunate underdevelopment in the Nigerian Police Force, especially under this adminstration, if we hope to have this institution survive the battery of unprofessional and immoral malfeasance visited on it by its lead personnel - IGP Ibrahim Idris Kpotum.

Without mincing words, it is analytically trite that if the head is rotten, other body parts soon stink from the mess. A questionable head/leader cannot oversee an un-questionable agency for his foot soldiers or subordinates would find justification for their evil acts or actions in the negative trajectory of the leader. IGP Ibrahim Idris Kpotum has demonstrated just that- a hubris for power, an unbridled lascivious zest, a lack of keen-ness for service, crowning it all with an inadequacy in exemplary character that almost vindicates past examples of terrible Inspector Generals of the Nigeria Police Force.

The rather embarrassing allegations levied against the Inspector General of Police Ibrahim Idris has bequeathed the law enforcement sector with quantum ignominy that has made sanity to be a forgotten story. Mind you, the allegations against the IGP precedes his tenure-ship in the Force's top position and has only now been magnified by the scale of his new operation.

Perhaps as a warning peek into his burgeoning notoriety, Nigerians were treated to the lopsided promotion scandal that trailed the police sector born out of the IGP's nepotism and innate disregard for due process. So large in scale was the back-dealing by the IGP that numerous spinmasters of the agency tripped over themselves in a failed bid to spin a yarn for public consumption. If that was an 'inglorious' outing by the then newly appointed head of the Nigeria Police Force, we were all soon to see even deeper into the labyrinth of his parochial mind and his evil enterprise for the Police Force.

In 2016, several senior and mid-level police officers provided SaharaReporters with a list of grave acts of corruption allegedly committed by Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Ibrahim Kpotun Idris. The officers, some of them retired but most still in active service, stated that the IGP’s notoriety for embezzlement of funds, frequent abandonment of his post, and sexual liaisons with subordinates preceded his time as the Commissioner of Police for Kano State.

As at then, the allegations raised serious questions about Mr. Idris’s fitness to lead the Police Force in the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari with its vow to build public trust in institutions. He has not disappointed the aforesaid allegations as he seemed to have perpetrated more corrupt practices after he assumed the apex office.

About two months ago, there were serious corruption allegations levelled against the person of Idris Ibrahim. The allegation has it that Billions of Naira that could had been useful for adequate equipment of men of the Nigeria Police Force were singlehandedly 'cornered' by the IGP.

It is also disheartening to hear that about N120 billion generated through special security services to corporate bodies, such as oil firms, and highly placed individuals were unduly siphoned by this same single individual at a time the country is wallowing in scorching recession.

Also, the IGP is noted to take fun from undermining other senior officers. It was alleged that the posting of mobile police officers is now done in the IGP’s office even though there are Commissioners of Police in charge of mobile force and Special Protection Unit postings. He prefers his 'boys' to do everything while jettisoning the due process.

Another alarming allegation against Mr. Idris is related to the unlawful sale of thirty vehicles. “Idris should be investigated on (sic) the circumstances leading to the disappearance of about 30 vehicles which are known to have been released to fictitious claimants,” one serving police officer said.

All these raise the question of sanity in the law enforcement sector. In a sane society, anybody with just one out of the above mentioned allegations would be barred from the public terrain not to mention holding public office. There are sufficient grounds to subject IGP Idris Kpotum Ibrahim to thorough investigation with sanctions meted out as due.

One needs to ask the question whether the Federal Government is afraid to intervene in this pathetic situation to save the Nigeria Police Sector from total collapse. There are simply too many bold allegations against his person to be swept under the carpet , except this administration want to further suffer the indictment of being a harbour to which the criminal minded scurry to for protection and favour. IGP Ibrahim Idris does not deserve rto occupy even the position of a corporal not to talk of the IGP until he clears himself of the allegations against him.

Finally, I admit that there are more personalities like Idris Ibrahim in the Police Sector, but I must argue that making the IGP a scapegoat may be the first route to a general overhaul of the police as an institution. For the sake of sanitization, the Federal Government should sack Ibrahim Idris now, and let us stop progressing in error. The Nigerian Police Force deserve someone with proven integrity, track records and a passion for service and not self-service.

Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq. is a public interest lawyer and the Principal Partner of Pelumi Olajengbesi & Co. LAW CORRIDOR.

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Sack the Inspector General of Police Now - Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq. Reviewed by sirealsilver on October 06, 2017 Rating: 5 In any political system, one of the most important and irreplaceable institution is the policing sector. The law itself is lawless if t...

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