Usman watched lots of pornography and wanted to practice all the styles with her.
Tonia was perpetually tired, inbetween motherhood, running her business and being a wife.
Tonia was perpetually tired, inbetween motherhood, running her business and being a wife.
"I'm tired Usman. Please, let's just sleep tonight. Remember Fuhad just took another vaccine yesterday and I was awake through out last night, taking care of him.
The least you can do is let me rest tonight. I'm exhausted." Tonia begged as she covered herself with the duvet.
"But we didn't have sex last night. Do you want to starve me for two nights in a row? Please Tonia, it's not my fault that you're so sexy. I need you." He was persistent.
She gave in grudgingly.
She was too tired to participate fully. He didn't mind, as long as he satisfied his urge.
"Wow. That was good. I wish we could go one more round." He said, panting.
"Usman, if you touch me again, I will die." The look in her eyes were deadly.
He left her alone that night.
The next day it was the same story, he wanted sex at all cost. It was as if he was making up for lost time.
Tonia was tired, her legs were aching. She quietly left their room and went to sleep in the guest room early that night. She needed to get enough rest.
She instructed the new Nanny: Fatimah, to take care of Fuhad. His temperature had normalised, Tonia was the one feeling feverish now.
She had been asleep for a few hours when she felt something moving over her breast. It was a hand.
Usman's hand.
She felt like cursing, but she bit her tongue and pretended to be asleep. Usman was oblivious to whatever
was happening.
He just kept on touching her, hoping to wake her up so she won't have a choice than to give in to his demand.
When she couldn't take it anymore she had to talk.
"Did the Doctors create a beast out of you? Is it a sin to wish and pray one's husband was a complete man?
I am dying of exhaustion and all you care about is fulfilling your erotic desires. Do you want me to die?"
"Haba Tonia. I'm only demanding for what's rightfully mine. You know there are hundreds of girls who would kill to have me in their beds." He answered arrogantly.
Tonia sat up immediately. She couldn't believe her ears.
"What did you just say to me Usman? You?
You've only started having erection for all of five minutes and you're threatening infidelity?
Where were those girls when I slept feeling horny without being satisfied all those nights?
Where were they when a vibrator was my husband? You dare tell me that, all because I demand for your understanding?
Do you even see how tired I look?"
"I knew you would say that. I knew you would give me a history lecture. But I am your husband, that's why I pay domestic staff so you can rest and be available to me...."
Tonia couldn't hear him anymore, she felt herself slipping away. She could hear Usman talking, but faintly and she couldn't make out the words.
She felt herself going down and wanted to stop, but she couldn't.
"Tonia, Tonia, what's wrong? Why are you falling down. This is not a joke.
Usman was scared beyond words. He quickly grabbed her and laid her on the bed. Her pupils were dilated, her body seemed lifeless.
He carried her like a bag of feathers and hurried to the car. He drove to the hospital like a mad man.
He kept thinking he had killed her.
"Hello, sir. Your wife will be fine. We have resuscitated her. She is anaemic, exhausted and dehydrated.
What happened?" The Doctor on duty informed him.
"I don't know, we were talking and next thing I knew, she collapsed. Doctor please I need to see her. Please let me see her."
One of the nurses led him to her ward
A private ward .
"Please sir, don't wake her up, she needs a lot of rest."
"Alright, I won't. I'll just stay here with her. I need to be here when she wakes up."
Usman called the house to assure the staff that all was well and that they should take good care of Fuhad.
He also called his mother and Akeem to tell them the situation of things. His mum promised to go to their house first thing in the morning.
He slept in the spare bed meant for anyone sleeping over with the patient. He kept checking to be sure she was still breathing.
The Doctor came to check her few hours later. She checked the IV.
"She's doing fine. We will run more tests in the morning. You can go home and come back in the morning sir."
"I'm going no where Doc. I'm staying right here until my wife wakes up."
"But she's in safe hands and you know it." She insisted.
"And I said I want to stay with her." He was irritated by the lady Doctor's insistence.
Around 5am in the morning, as the call to prayer was being made, Tonia woke up with a start. She wanted to get up and go look for her baby.
She thought she must have overslept. But the IV line and lack of strength, plus a throbbing headache stopped her.
She needed to ease herself. She didn't know where she was. She used her hands to feel her surrounding and it wasn't familiar. Everywhere was dark.
It was while she was fidgeting that Usman woke up.
"My darling, keep calm, I'm here, we're in the hospital, you fainted last night." He explained as he switched on the light bulb.
She remembered everything at once.
He went to sit close to her and wanted to hold her hand.
" Don't touch me." She warned him and faced the wall.
She didn't want to talk to him. She was too tired to deal with him at the moment. His blatant disregard for her wellbeing was disheartening.
"My love, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were this exhausted. I thought you were just being dramatic."
"Yes, I was being dramatic, in fact, I'm still acting. Usman please, let me have my peace. I don't have the strength to talk.
I need to use the restroom now." She said, still facing the wall.
"Let me help you. Will you use the bedpan?"
Tonia ignored him and pressed the bell to call a nurse.
The nurse then helped her and told them she would inform the Doctor that she was awake.
"Where is my son?" She asked after the nurse had left.
"He is at home. He is fine."
The Doctor came in at that moment, checked her vitals and took some blood sample.
"Sorry Dear, does it hurt?" Usman asked as she applied pressure on her arm at the site where her blood was drawn.
"No, it doesn't, I'm enjoying it. Mtcheeew. Did you come with my phone? I need to check on my son."
"No, I was in a hurry. I was scared and rushed you down here as fast as I could."
"Hmm. I'm sure you expect me to hand you a medal for that. You better go home and make sure my child is well catered for.
It's morning already, he should be awake by now.
He would need me. Make sure they bath and feed him, then bring him to me."
"I want to be by your side. I can't leave you."
"Hehehe, I hope you know you won't be allowed to have sex with me here o. You will be waiting for nothing
o." She answered him with disdain.
She had endured this for the past four months, she was scared at what could have happened to her, few weeks to her son's first birthday.
All rights reserved
Written By Tolulope Fakayode Faniran
3rd June, 2017
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