Yemi Osinbajo, The Cabal And The Rest Of Us - Charles Ogbu. - Sirealsilver

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Yemi Osinbajo, The Cabal And The Rest Of Us - Charles Ogbu.

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"President Buhari will sign 2017 budget and then transmit it to the acting President for other formalities"~~Ita Enang, SSA On National Assembly matters to president Buhari.

This is nothing short of a very violent abuse of Nigeria's constitution by a gang of conscience-less crooks who have since hijacked the power of Nigerian presidency.

I laugh mirthlessly when I hear people utter words like:

"the constitution is very clear on this issue", "the constitution supersede every other consideration" etc.
What such people fail to understand is that the constitution is nothing but a document which does not have a gun to defend itself against abuse.

And most importantly, these fulani hegemonists we are dealing with DON'T give a damn about the constitution. No, they don't!

When the political Vultures known as the cabal wrote that letter and described Prof. Yemi Osinbajo as the "Co-ordinator" of National affairs rather than the acting President, they were not merely demonstrating a very poor usage of the Queen's language.

No! They were simply telling you that they were going to cage Osinbajo and would not allow him outshine Mr ghost president Buhari as he did between February to March when he was seen going all over the places giving Nigerians hope.

The whole idea is to ensure he (Osinbajo) doesn't get enough political clout to contest the 2019 election, thereby 'stealing' power right from their mouth the exact way Jonathan did with Yar'Adua, seeing as it's now very obvious that Buhari presidency is almost as good as ended.

 The suspended Grasscutter, Lawal Bachir's question, "who is the presidency?" was all the sign we needed to know that Buhari is now but a shadow of his former self and that we now have a group of treasonous elements wielding the power vested in the office of presidency with criminal impunity.

This is Yar'Adua-lization all over. We've travelled this route before and as such, we should be familiar with the antics of the Fulani supremacists.

Let me quickly say this, Political power is to the fulanis what blood is to the Vampire. The fulani hegemonists have no conscience when it comes to political power.

They will readily sacrifice Buhari and his entire household including half of the entire North if it comes to that. They will even use the military to stage an "arrangee" coup.

There is no limit to how far they are willing to go to ensure power does not leave the North come 2019. What we are currently witnessing is a tip of the iceberg. Go save this post!

To them, the constitution is non-existent. No one matters. Nothing matters. Not you, not your damn laws, not even the gods.

This is why even when mother nature decides to take power from them as was the case with Yar'Adua, they always get it back at all cost.

The constitution specifically made it clear that it is not even the place of the President to hand over powers to his vice in acting capacity if for any reason, he can't perform his duty for a given period of time.

All that the president is required to do is transmit a letter to the NASS to the effect that he would be going on leave and won't be able to discharge the duties of his office for a given period of time.

Once the President transmits this letter, he looses all his executive powers and the Vice President AUTOMATICALLY becomes the acting President with full powers to hire and fire and exercise all the powers vested in the office of the President.

It is instructive to point out here that even when the president comes back to resume his duties as substantive president, he does not automatically get back his powers until he transmit another letter to the same NASS notifying them of his intentions to resume his duties as president.

By writing to the National Assembly, the president is presumed to be writing to the whole Nigerians who employed him.

This is because the National Assembly is deemed as the true representatives of the people (even though, we all know they only represent their pockets) By this action, the president is simply telling Nigerians through their NASS representatives: "look, my people, this power wey una carry give me, make una no vex ooo, I wan rush go hospital, so make una help me hol' am till I come back".

And because the president was elected together with a Vice president, the power automatically goes to the vice. That is why we have the president and the vice president at the same time.

So when the president comes back from his leave, he will still need to officially notify Nigerians who are his employers by transmitting another letter to the same NASS.

This is exactly how these things are done. Democracy is about procedures. Once these procedures are treated with contempt, it is no longer democracy!

The moment you hear Liar Mohammed telling you that the decision on who to sign the budget would be taken even when you have an acting president in place, you should immediately know that you are dealing with a bunch of lawless political hawks hellbent on treating you like headless fools.

When you now hear Buhari's SSA on National Assembly matters, Ita Enang, tell you that the same president Buhari who has transfered all his executive powers to his Vice and is currently on medical leave, would be the one to sign your budget from his sick bed even when an acting president is on ground, just know that your constitution has been rendered more useless than a used MTN recharge card.

For professor Yemi Osinbajo, the night is dark and full of terror. The forces of darkness after him seem stronger than the evil forces of Dark Raul.

He certainly need nothing short of the combined power of Zeddicus Zul-Zorander, the Mordsith, mother confessor and even Shota the great witch if he's going to succeed. Osinbajo's success will be a triumph of good over evil.

And make no mistake, we stand a far better chance with the law professor in charge than these political terrorists. We saw him in action from February to March when he acted as the president.

He has his faults but its beyond doubt that there is no comparison between him and the ghost president Buhari and his band of destiny rapists and there can be no argument that right about now, he's our only chance of defeating these political Vultures.

And remember, whether we want to restructure or break up this sham of a country, we must first of all retrieve it back from these darkhearted fulani Oligarchs.

Without that, neither Restructuring nor break up will ever work as long as the Fulanis remain in charge. If you don't already know this, then you know nothing!

Mother nature has a way of balancing some equations. She did it when she took the good man Yar'Adua and ushered in Jonathan as president.

Apparently, she is enroute to repeating the same thing by inflicting President Buhari with serious ailment which will leave Osinbajo in charge.

Regardless of your religious or political affiliation, you can't help but agree than the Buhari presidency has been nothing short of a plague of the worst kind. We certainly cannot retain our breath for too long if his evil empire is not demolished as a matter of urgency.

Nature has gifted us with another golden opportunity. We owe it to ourselves to look beyond our petty emotions and rally round the acting President Osinbajo so he would have the needed courage to really start "acting".

Before you say, "let the Yorubas carry their cross", ask yourself, are the Yorubas the only ones at the receiving end of Buhari's savagery and criminal ineptitude?? Do you have a different market where you buy food stuff at cheaper rate??

For those who would come up with tons of reasons why Osinbajo should be abandoned, I will tell you one thing:

With Osinbajo in charge, it is not certain that we will live happily ever after but with these political/economic Scavengers known as the cabal, it is beyond certain that there can be nothing but tears and sorrows for us.

Nature has done its bit, lets bury our inter-tribal grudges and do our own bit.
We might not get this kind of opportunity anytime soon!
Yemi Osinbajo, The Cabal And The Rest Of Us - Charles Ogbu. Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 20, 2017 Rating: 5 "President Buhari will sign 2017 budget and then transmit it to the acting President for other for malities"~~Ita Enang, SSA...

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