PHOTOS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RT. HON. VICTOR ANTAI, An Enthusiast At 52 - Sirealsilver

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By John Ntekim

The Oro nation which is the third largest ethnic group in Akwa Ibom State consists five (5) Local Government Areas, namely, Okobo, Oron, Mbo, Udung Uko and Urue Offong/Oruko.

Notably, the Oro people have been supportive to various successive governments of Akwa Ibom State. In each of these administrations, the Oro people like their counterparts have unceasingly had offices occupied by their kinsmen and kinswomen as government appointees, particularly as members of the State Executive Council.

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A narrative of the strides of Rt. Hon. Victor Antai in enhancing comfortable livelihood for indigenes of Oro descent is an untold story of a business tycoon cum politician, who has for a greater portion of his successful lifetime, demonstrated a never-slackening disposition towards philanthropy.

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Greater than the ability to inspire others with hope is the ability to empower them to confront the the worst in themselves in order to discover and claim the best in themselves.

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It is in conscious understanding of this perception that this Mbo-born reformer from Oduo Ebughu village, saw himself upon his arrival in the clime of Mbo politics as Chairman of Mbo Local Government Council, a position he occupied worthily for two (2) consecutive tenures, after which he was appointed Honourable Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs by the Akwa Ibom State governor, His Excellency Udom Gabriel Emmanuel between July 2015 and October 2016.

As postulated by Tom Landry, "setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how to go about achieving it and staying with the plan."

Progress in Mbo L.G.A where Hon. Antai's political sojourn gradually evolved, was lethargic and without curative actions.

Despite oppositions and challenges, Hon. Victor Antai's commitment to development of Mbo's aesthetics and engagement of human resourceful population was boundless.

Today's Mbo L.G.A is a conspicuous outcome of Antai's lofty strides and passionate dedication to service.

At this time, Rt. Hon. Victor Etim Antai, is regarded by majority of the Oro population as sent by God to liberate the helpless and touch the lives of the electorates of Oro ancestry.

Being that new doors are not opened by old ways, this viable political breed has directly created socio-political linkage between the people of Oro nation and the present administration of the State, by striving tirelessly to secure the confidence of Oro people in Governor Udom Emmanuel and practically dolling out rewards in diverse forms to persons across Oro land, on grounds of their support for the incumbent government.

In recent times, the Oro people have at different forums passed votes of confidence on Deacon Udom Emmanuel's leadership of the State.

Obviously, Victor is undoubtedly instrumental to the illustrious and dignified relationship between the Oro people and the present government, particularly as the immediate past Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs has exposed Oro's political scenery to a more enormous and gigantic socio-economic expectations, in line with the commitment of the present administration to industrialisation and human capacity development.

 As Chairman of Mbo Local Government Area, Hon. Antai attracted the presence of the previous administration of the State to the communities in Mbo L.G.A, and this culminated in massive infrastructural development in Mbo by the State and Local governments.

Also, for about fifteen (15) months as Commissioner in the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, the Oro born politician implemented far-reaching, viable and articulate policies, which aided unimaginable growth within his jurisdiction of duty discharge, such as unprecedented low status of local boundary crisis and council feud.

Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal. In the buildup to 2015 gubernatorial election, amidst oppositions and aversion, Hon. Antai audaciously supported the divine mandate campaign and was basically instrumental the subsequent victory of Deacon Udom Emmanuel. As a visionary player, Hon. Victor's brevity and mental attitude has paid better for him.

Aside offering financial assistance to over women drawn from across various villages in Oro land to develop their businesses and sponsorship of skill acquisition for about seventy six (76) youths, Rt. Hon. Victor Antai upon assumption of office as a commissioner in July 2015, began dolling out of motorcycles and cars to young and aged persons across the five (5) Local Government Areas of Oro nation.

A move he refers to as a series of rewarding loyalty and support given to Governor Udom Emmanuel by Oro indigenes.

In this light, over one hundred and sixty (128) automobiles have been given out to individual beneficiaries who are drawn from all sectors of the society.

Truly, if nature has made you for a giver, your hands are born open and so is your heart; and though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you still give things out of that.

Upon the dissolution of the State Executive Council by the governor on Saturday, 15th October, 2016, the home of this valuable Oro son noticed influx of persons, forums, groups and villages from Oro, who occasionally visited their son and brother, to commend the obvious strides of the present administration in developing Oro land, to appreciate the immediate past cabinet man for his benevolence and to express satisfaction in Deacon Udom Emmanuel's visionary leadership.

Such visits were made by the traditional class, women, corporate bodies, socio-cultural groups, journalists and the media community, teams of villagers, as well as students and youth groups.

However, there is no gainsaying that judging from Hon. Antai's antecedents and attitude towards community development, the progress of Oro nation, which according to minor speculations was hindered in the last administration, owing to the activities of some "dogmatic opposition figures", would be credibly enhanced with the like of Rt. Hon. Victor Antai as integral affiliates of Governor Udom Gabriel Emmanuel.

Reappointed into the Akwa Ibom State Executive Council as Honourable Commissioner for Culture and Tourism by Governor Udom, Alhaji Antai as fondly called has in the past months has introduced enumerable measures to match tourism in Akwa Ibom State with modern realities, through programmes, as well as application of the internet and new media which indeed promotes tourism in the state in contemporary light.

An instance nameable here is the just concluded Amazing Akwa Ibom Logo Competition, organised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, with Antai as helmsman.

One with the right passion can deliver at any event. Alhaji Antai who proves a major part of a gasoline generator (Akwa Ibom political system) can deliver on at any event.

Today, I send on fifty two hearty cheers to an achiever and a mixer.

Happy birthday Rt. Hon. Victor Antai!

PHOTOS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RT. HON. VICTOR ANTAI, An Enthusiast At 52 Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 19, 2017 Rating: 5 By John Ntekim The Oro nation which is the third largest ethnic group in Akwa Ibom State consists five (5) Local Government Areas, na...

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