Nsima Ekere: Inconsistency In Borrowed Robes - Sirealsilver

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Nsima Ekere: Inconsistency In Borrowed Robes

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By Joseph Okon

In the words of a famous philosopher, Winston Churchill, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

Remembering the past therefore becomes very important in ensuring that the ugly past does not repeat. It serves as a guide towards making good decisions for the future”

During the immediate past administration of Governor Godswill Akpabio in Akwa Ibom State, one man who featured prominently in that administration is the current Managing Director of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Mr Nsima Ekere who later served that administration as the Deputy Governor.

Before Nsima Ekere became deputy governor to Godswill Akpabio in 2011, he was originally Akpabio’s running mate during the 2007 governorship election, but was later consumed by the political solution to broker peace between the then out going Governor of the state, Obong Victor Attah and incoming Godswill Akpabio.

After Akpabio emerged as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate for the 2007 governorship election against Attah’s son-in-law, Dr Udoma Bob Ekarika, it was agreed by the stakeholders that Attah should be given a sense of belonging by allowing him to nominate the deputy governorship candidate.

Attah accepted the offer and nominate Engr Patrick Ekpotu against Nsima Ekere. Despite the fact that Ekere and Ekpotu are from the same local government, it never distract Akpabio’s political romance with Ekere which made him politically powerful than Ekpotu in Ikot Abasi Federal Constituency.

Ekpotu was the official deputy governor while Ekere was the political deputy. Akpabio allowed Nsima to take most political decisions in Ikot Abasi Local Government and Federal Constituency.

He belonged to the Akpabio’s kitchen cabinet while serving as the chairman of Akwa Ibom Investment and Industrial Promotion Council (AKIIPOC).

It is still fresh in the memory of Akwa Ibom people, the role Ekere played in Ikot Abasi local government crisis that led to the dissolution of Dr John Ekot led council by the State House of Assembly on the order of the Governor.

The entire plot and execution was designed and orchestrated by Nsima Ekere because the council chairman then was loyal to Ekpotu.

After the council was dissolved, Ekere was allowed to select the entire transition committee without any input from the deputy governor, Engr Ekpotu. During Ekere’s reign, he commandeered all political positions in Ikot Abasi Federal Constituency for his loyalists.

In 2011, Akpabio dropped Ekpotu to fulfill his promise by making Ekere the deputy governor. Akpabio did this to consolidate the place of Eket Senatorial District in the next political dispensation beginning from 2015.

In 2012, the people of Eket Senatorial District began agitation to produce the next governor of the state.

The likes of Chief Nduese Essien, Gen. Anthony Etukudo, Obong Amaette Ntuk, Chief Obot Etokafia, Sir Okon Esang, Prof (Mrs) Eka Uweh, Senator Etang Umoyo, Elder Ben Udobia, and many other prominent stakeholders in the senatorial district went to Ekere for help.

These key stakeholders who represented their Federal Constituencies came under the umbrella of Akwa Ibom South Senatorial District Assembly with Chief Nduese Essien as chairman.

They pleaded with Nsima who held the highest political office then, to help plead with Governor Akpabio to see the need to support Eket Senatorial District in producing governor for the state in 2015.

Just like Mordecai did to Esther, the people of Eket Senatorial District told Nsima that it was their turn to produce the next governor of the state in 2015; they told him of the grand plot by Uyo Senatorial District to destroy the zoning arrangement using Umana Okon Umana. They charged him that he should go and talk to his boss, Governor Akpabio and make request before him for his people.

But when Esther refused to heed the words of Mordecai, Mordecia again said this to Esther, “Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews.

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this”.

And Esther responded, “Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day:

I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, and if I perish, I perish for my people”.

Unlike Esther, Ekere refused to heed the people’s genuine appeal. At that point, his personal business became more important than to salvage his people.

Instead of acting like Esther who said “if I perish I perish for my people”, Nsima decided to abandon his people in the middle of their struggle for liberation, and resigned his position as deputy governor.

This marked the end of Ekere’s political romance with Akpabio, and also ended the Ekere’s dynasty in Ikot Abasi Federal Constituency.

Hence, the people of Eket Senatorial District were left in the dark, not knowing the mind and thinking of government since that inglorious exit of Ekere. Their only ear and eye in the government abandoned them in pursuit of his business.

But just as Mordecia assured that if Esther failed to fight and preserve his people’s right, deliverance will arise to the Jews from another place.

Indeed, deliverance did arise in Mr Udom Emmanuel who liberated his people. Emmanuel was not afraid in making case before the then governor Godswill Akpabio that in 2015, Eket Senatorial District have their turn to produce Governor.

He showed direction and good leadership that triggered the people’s support for him to emerge the governor in 2015.

Having abandoned his private engagement with reputable organizations for the liberation of his people, and successfully secured what rightfully belong to Eket Senatorial District, the one who resigned his position and abandoned the people is now playing hid and seek games.

When the time comes for that major decision to be taken which will determine the future of this state in 2019, Akwa Ibom people and Eket Senatorial District will not forget in a hurry how Ekere abandoned them when they needed him most.

Ekere’s character is well captured in the words of Machiavelli who said, “Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.

This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passion, and thus they necessarily have the same result”.

Six years after Ekere abandoned his people, he cannot change from being that coward who could not speak when it was time to speak out and defend his people.

He will never change from his low self-esteem. Mr Udom Emmanuel selflessly offered himself for the liberation of his people.

It is therefore important to note here that no matter the hide and seek tactics Ekere has adopted for his 2019 governorship ambition; Akwa Ibom people and Eket Senatorial District in particular will never support an inconsistent character for the state top job.

They will rather consolidate on the selfless gains and efforts of Governor Udom Emmanuel by prevailing on him to contest for a second term. After all, one good term deserves another.

The Governor has kept faith with the people of the state, and has delivered on his campaign promises. His industrialization agenda has become a huge success with many industries currently in operation.

They are; paint, tooth pick, and pencil industries, while electricity meter and syringe factories are about to commence production. These industrial developments in Akwa Ibom are highly commendable.

These impressive strides are the right steps in the right direction aim at drastically reduce unemployment and create wealth for the people.

Over 800 kilometers of roads dotting the entire landscape of the state has been completed, agricultural programme has received a boost with improved seeds and loan facilities. Human capital development is receiving government priority attention.

Sustaining the free and compulsory education from primary to secondary schools, free medical treatment for Elderly, pregnant women and children, payment of WAEC fees and other educational support to students, and many more.

These and many other good reasons will propel the people of Akwa Ibom State to support Governor Udom Emmanuel to succeed in his second term bid come 2019.
Nsima Ekere: Inconsistency In Borrowed Robes Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 19, 2017 Rating: 5 By Joseph Okon In the words of a famous philosopher, Winston Churchill, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat i...

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