Break That Pattern In Your Life - By P. Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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Break That Pattern In Your Life - By P. Ezekiel Atang

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJV

“(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

People create their own patterns consciously and unconsciously, and once a pattern is created it begins to assume a consistency of its own.

Of course, it is widely known that anything consistently done will produce serious results whether negative or positive.

Your pattern is easily identified by what you do first in the morning and what you do last at night. These two activities spell doom or success for any individual.

If your first and last activities are not self-developing and constructive, then you are building a very negative pattern that will eventually destroy you. You must live your life deliberately, intentionally and consciously.

Never leave your life to chance or you will not stand a chance in life. The next kind of activity you must arrest from your daily schedule are those things you do very frequently during the day that add nothing to you.

Also insist on ending any activity or relationship that grieves your heart. The more grief you suffer the less progress you will make in your life.

Know this, that the pattern you build will ultimately spell your future. Every man's life can be discerned from his daily routine.

Your biggest challenge therefore is not just the discovery of your personal negative patterns but their replacement. You cannot stop them and leave a vacuum behind, you will have to do things in their place.

In replacement, you will be commencing a new kind of pattern and by extension, creating a new future for yourself.

Receive grace to break and replace negative patterns in Jesus Name.


i. Examine your daily routine and identify negative patterns where any.

ii. Ask the Lord for mercy and grace to end them.

iii. Note down preferable activities you would love to replace them with, and prayerfully swing into action.

iv. Don't give up till it becomes a new pattern.


-Lord I receive all the grace available and needed to create a new pattern for my life in Jesus Name.

-I thank you in advance for my new life and preferable future in Jesus Name.


Never leave your life to chance or you will not stand a chance in life.
Break That Pattern In Your Life - By P. Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 19, 2017 Rating: 5 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJV “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong ho...

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