Romans 8:1-2 KJV
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”
An embargo is a law prohibiting or limiting
certain operations; it is an impediment put in place to make sure that
an activity never happens or a certain kind of result is never achieved.
There are many believers under different kinds of embargoes in their
lives that they may not be aware of. Some embargoes come from families
as a family pattern, while some come from people's mindsets or
Many embargoes are just sheer satanic oppression where it
seems like an invisible warning or instruction is put out there against
them, so they never rise above a level, no matter what they do.
But no child of God should accept such limitations, when the Bible has
said that we are the head and not the tail, we are the light of the
world and the salt of the earth, etc. This puts us at an advantage
position already. Our text describes those embargoes as the law of sin
and death.
It is a law that states that " for coming from this kind of
background, you are condemned to remain at this level and no more. It is
a spirit of condemnation and limitations.
But our text tells us that
there is another law by which you may be able to overcome and break the
law of frustration and limitations - It is called The Law of the Spirit
of Life. Here is how it works:
When you notice any kind of
limitation in your life, and you know that it is the spirit of
limitation and condemnation, you are supposed to seek the word of God
for a word or two that counters that limitation and embargo.
Then you
are to declare that word over your life on a consistent and regular
basis till it fills your entire personality. When you do this, you would
be operating the law of the Spirit of life.
This is because John 6:63
says God's words are spirit and they are life. Ezekiel 2:2 says "the
spirit entered into me while He spoke to me". 2Peter 2:4 says "by the
word of God we become partakers of the divine nature"; which is the very
nature of God Himself.
So, each time you read, meditate, confess and
declare the word of God, you are boldly operating the law of the spirit
of life in Christ Jesus.
That makes your mortality to be swallowed up in
immortality, and by so doing embargoes are broken off your life.
Partake of the divine nature today in Jesus Name.
i. Combine the teaching of today with that of yesterday in practice, and then fully activate the divine nature in your life.
ii. Resist all forms of distractions and spiritual laziness in the operations of the law of the Spirit of life in Jesus Name.
-Lord I receive the grace to operate the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus from this day in Jesus Name.
-Lord as I pray in tongues and study the word of God, please cause every form of satanic embargo to expire in Jesus Name.
-I walk in divine nature from today in Jesus Name, Amen.
When you notice any kind of limitation in your life, seek the word of God for a word that counters that limitation and embargo.
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