Gov Udom's Two Years Of Democracy And The Continuation Of The Policy Of Marginalization, Stagnation And Arrested Development Of Oro - Sirealsilver

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Gov Udom's Two Years Of Democracy And The Continuation Of The Policy Of Marginalization, Stagnation And Arrested Development Of Oro

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Truth is, democracy has come to stay in Nigeria, nay, Akwa Ibom state. Its an open secret that the government of Deacon Gabriel Emmanuel Udom will be crowning its second term in office on the 29th of May, 2017.

As it is now customary, the government will role out its drum to show to the world what it has been able to achieve in the last two years of its existence.

As a matter of fact, projects have been enmarked for commissioning by the government on or before the 29th day of May, dubbed, DEMOCRACY DAY.

The social media has been awashed with the projects line up for commissioning. Some of them have been commissioned, while other are waiting for their turns. Some of these projects include the following. But they are by no means restricted to it.

(I) Ikot-Usop-Ikot Edieghe-Ikot Ekpu Road and Bridge. It's about 5.0KM while the bridge is 30M span in size.

(ii) Flag off of Coconut Refinery

(iii) Flag off of Flour Mills

(iv) Commissioning of Reconstructed and Equipped Children's Ward, Immanuel Hospital, Eket.

(v) Commissioning of 19.5 KM Eket- Ibeno Road.

(vi) Commissioned the Newly Completed 4.6 KM Nto Edino Road that leads through Ekwere Azu.

(vii) Commissioned the Toothpick and Pencil Factory located at kilometers one, Etinan Rd. Etinan LGA.

(viii) Commissioning of 4.6 KM College of Technology Road, Nung Ukim, Ikono.

(ix) Commissioning of Modern Girls Secondary School, Ikot Ekan, Abak.

(x) Commissioning of 6.0KM Idiaba Nsi- Ikot Abasi (Nung Udoe) Road.
As said earlier, there are other projects enmarked for commissioning by the government of the day.

Having seen this, the questions agitating the minds of all free born sons and daughter of Oro are:

1- what is the fate of Oro in the government of Gov. Deacon Gabriel Emmanuel Udom?

2- Is Oro well treated in the government of the day as it relates to the distribution of the projects in the state?

3- Is Oro a conquered territory that must be treated as such and its sons and daughters being treated as second class citizens?

4- Is the government of the day continuing with the policy of marginalization and stagnation as started by its predecessor?

If the answers to the above questions are in the affirmative, then, there will be no cause for alarm, because the Oron man would have known his stake and place in the estimation of the government of the day.

But if the answers are in the negative, then the government and its governor owe us an explanation. Of all the roads to be commissioned, none is sited in Oro Federal Constituency.

Of all the industries enmarked for commissioning, none is in Oro land too. It is painful and annoying.

To add salt to injury, our House of Assembly Representatives are all keeping a seal lip or turning a blind eye to this great injustice meted on us.

Not even the much talk about Ibaka Deep Sea Port that is capable to contain about 90% of the unemployed youths of Oro is being giving a second thought by the government of the day.

If the government is planning to continue the Uyo- Ikot Ekpene road started by the former government, what stops the government from completing the Okobo- Oron - Ibaka road started by it and not encumbered by any litigation?

Me feels that the government has been taken us for a ride this much because we are unconcerned about the happenings around us. Our Opinion makers if we even have them have been too quiet for long.

The Oro Union that has been the only watch dog from this part of the world has also been too quiet for my liking.

The Youth Body of Oro recognized by the Umbrella Body of Oro not the Self centred and interest seeking Esu Nlap Oro, has been too docile, too. It is high time these bodies woke up to their rightful roles. For Oro to be great again, all hands must be on deck.

While the government is doing its part, we the masses are doing ours. If the government fails, it's because we failed to do our parts.

Atai John John

Member, Oro Nation Leadership and Business Round Table and Convener

New Okobo Movement (N.O.M.)
Writes from Udung Affiang
Atak-Oro, Okobo LGA.
Gov Udom's Two Years Of Democracy And The Continuation Of The Policy Of Marginalization, Stagnation And Arrested Development Of Oro Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 25, 2017 Rating: 5 Truth is, democracy has come to stay in Nigeria, nay, Akwa Ibom state. Its an open secret that the government of Deacon Gabriel Emma...

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