![Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and outdoor](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17883551_1415846428473120_552116988145685594_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeHnIOYitHpeWnGxgmuvc64yRTQU2FfaUtr68NTKV5rYU1fpa3FMmo0r0uSYFOlJkvlAIIY_AxQg8AhRgHjivjwKb_SME_GDGG2Kh-JuH6_YEg&oh=a9fffb87fa612b1f186ccdb528fdd38d&oe=598D445C)
![Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and outdoor](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17883551_1415846428473120_552116988145685594_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeHnIOYitHpeWnGxgmuvc64yRTQU2FfaUtr68NTKV5rYU1fpa3FMmo0r0uSYFOlJkvlAIIY_AxQg8AhRgHjivjwKb_SME_GDGG2Kh-JuH6_YEg&oh=a9fffb87fa612b1f186ccdb528fdd38d&oe=598D445C)
I felt like a big thorn was lifted off my
chest. All through that day in class, all I thought of was the face of
Shan when Arusi pushed him to that cold frozen floor, leaving him in
that cold.
"You have not been yourself since after Shan and I had that fight."
I nodded silently, tears running out of my eyes. Arusi laced her hands in mine.
"oh, poor darling, I know exactly how you feel. you are now my soul sister. You helped me, accommodated me in your apartment even when you didn't know me that much. You saved me when I was stranded. I can't let you walk into danger.
I have witnessed domestic violence, my mother was a victim, I have said this before. Whatever I did to Shan was for you." She said in broken whispers. My heart calmed.
"Thank you." I said calmly and gave her a warm hug.
My phone rang and when I checked, it was Andre.
"It's Andre." I said.
"Talk to him, this could be the right person who would take your mind off from Shan."
"No. I don't want a relationship now." I said softly.
"I understand. Take it easy. Your birthday is at the corner, so brighten up a bit. I am off to Fashion class for my test." Arusi said giving a forceful Smile.
I strolled to the library that afternoon to read for my last test before the final examination. My emptiness was filled with anger, heartbreak and thoughts of Shan.
As I walked into the library, someone covered my mouth and dragged me backwardly to a corner. I wasn't sure who it was, until the smell of his perfume hit me hard on the nose.
He quaked and trembled as he sought my mouth. He tried to control his movements, to still his heartbeat, but he was on fire.
He kissed me deeply and then hugged me with my hands tied down to his in a wrap.
"I am sorry, please listen to me. I have missed you so much baby. look at me, I am falling sick because of you. I am love sick my heart." He said in a trembling voice.
"I don't want to see you anymore." I said tearily.
"It's not true, I know you still love me. Arusi told you to say these things to me." He whispered. He drew me into his arms, holding me tightly.
"There is so much we have to say to each other. I have an issue. I am meeting with a therapist soon. I am ready to change for you Etiene.
I am having posttraumatic stress disorder, it leads to depression a times. It doesn't have a cure, but my therapist will work with me."
"You liar!" I yelled. He grabbed me to himself and forcefully kissed me again.
Long moments passed as his body interlocked with mine. I pushed him off and ran away, he ran after me like his life depended on it.
Story Written By VickyBon
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