The Victims(Pt 17) "You Envied Her Because She Married Andre, Or Because You Too Wanted Andre." He Rose To His Feet - Sirealsilver

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The Victims(Pt 17) "You Envied Her Because She Married Andre, Or Because You Too Wanted Andre." He Rose To His Feet

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Arusi and Andre had a quiet and a small gathering wedding at Saint peters Cathedral in Philadelphia.
It was simple and quiet.

The weather was bright and clear, and seemed to smile on Arusi's wedding day.

Arusi's siblings came from Kenya to attend their sisters wedding. It was a joyous celebration.

The sound of genuine laughter came from Andre when a lady said "your wife is beautiful."

They kissed so passionately like they've known each other for years.

After the wedding, I drove home alone. The face of Arusi and Andre smiling wide to the camera man kept flashing on my mind. It was obvious that they were happy.

"So, Andre finally married someone from your group?" Shan asked sarcastically, after I showed him the wedding pictures from my phone.

"Yeah. I am happy for them. Andre is a good guy and Arusi is a good lady. I envied her today, she was so beautiful." I said, smiling wide at the wedding picture in my phone.

"You envied her because she married Andre, or because you too wanted Andre." He rose to his feet.

"I don't think that is a fair judgment on what I just said. I envy my friend, not jealous. they are two different Words Shan.

if I wanted Andre I would have had him, after all he wanted me too. " I said arrogantly.

Before I could blink my eye the second time, Shan had dragged me to the floor and matched one side of my leg with his weighty legs. He pulled me and hit my head on the wall frequently.

"How dare you say that to me, are you crazy? With all what I have done for you, you still envy and ex lover!" Shan yelled at me, while dragging me on the floor.

I screamed for help until my voice went low and dry. I fought him and cried out. " Leave me alone, you misunderstood me."

An hour later, he left me in the room, breathing rapidly like he fought a lion. "Fuck you!" he yelled and banged the door.

Fiona ran out crying from under the bed and rubbing her body on mine. I held her into my arms while I wept.

My tears dampened her hairy skin, I stroked her a bit, not willing to let her go. My dog Fiona was the only reality in a frightening world.

I was trying to close my eyes, and let go the pains I was feeling when my phone rang. it was Arusi, I thought
she wanted to thank me for the wrist watch I gave her as a gift on her wedding, so I ignored.

The phone rang again and I reluctantly picked the call this time.

"Hello." my voice became cracky.

"Etiene, there is a problem!" she screamed in a shaky tone.

"What is it?" My heart trembled.

"A sheriff just called from petterburg estate, Augustus pushed Wendy from a storey building to the last floor, I heard she is badly injured.

"What? Augustus did that?" I screamed, my heart skipped countless times as my hands shooked too.
"Where are you now?" I asked in dismay.

"my husband is taking me to her house right away. Come to her house right away." she said, breathing so fast over the phone.

I took a pair of leggings and a sweater, grabbed Fiona and drove speedily to Petterburg Estate. I took a deep breath in and out, until I could exhale freely.

Story written by VickyBon
The Victims(Pt 17) "You Envied Her Because She Married Andre, Or Because You Too Wanted Andre." He Rose To His Feet Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 29, 2017 Rating: 5 Arusi and Andre had a quiet and a small gathering wedding at Saint peters Cathedral in Philadelphia. It was simple and quiet. The wea...

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