The Victims (Pt 5) "So You Sneaked Out Of The Hotel Room Just To Be With Your School Mate?" He Asked, Yelling Too - Sirealsilver

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The Victims (Pt 5) "So You Sneaked Out Of The Hotel Room Just To Be With Your School Mate?" He Asked, Yelling Too

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Outside, the dull weather had been lifted by a welcome display of fierce sunshine, and nearly all of the snows that had covered the countryside for days had gone, leaving a shimmering verdant landscape in its wake.
The acrid smell of Shan's cigarette woke me.

He took a sip of vodka and then came to bed. He gripped my shoulders, and there was that leashed intensity that he kept tightly reined.

"I wanna sleep. I feel sleepy a bit." he whispered.

He laid his head calmly on my chest, and after a while, he was deeply asleep.

I became bored and thought I should go around Haleakala Volcano. I walked out wearing a pair of sneakers and a jersey.

Shan's sweet scent clinging to me as I walked around the beach side. Then i heard a loud voice.
"Etiene Martins!" I was flabbergasted.

Who knew me in Haleakala?

I exhaled feeling my heart beat settle into a natural rhythm. Then I turned, it was Andre Okpo, my course mate in Pennsylvania, he graduated before me, who was also a Nigerian.

I had been Andre's crush for a very long time, he was a fashion designer and a brand ambassador for Levi Strauss and co, he was in America to buy the franchise back to Nigeria.

"What are you doing in Haleakala baby?" He asked excitedly, hugging me.

"Well I am here with my boyfriend for a short weekend vacation."

"Same Shan? the American?" I nodded with a smile.

"Oh great, great. well I am here for a shoot. I came in from LA last night."
"You now live in LA?"

"not really, i got some works to do in LA. I came here to audition some models for Paris fashion night in France, you should be there."

"really? oh my god! then audition me."

"I will give you my card, you call me when you are free." He handed me a card from his pocket.

"You know I used to love you Etiene. I still do."

"Andre, I have a boyfriend. I love him." I said boldly.

Andre stared at me for a moment, there was this slight emotion that transpired between us.

"Etiene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard my name, as it echoed Aloud, it was Shan. He walked as fast as he could towards where Andre and I stood.

"Hi Shan, nice to meet you." Andre greeted smartly as he pulled out his hands for a shake, but Shan gave him a cold shoulder.

"What are you doing here? you left the room to see a man?" He Asked, his expression becoming almost stern.

"No! We met by coincident." Andre interrupted.

He didn't look at Andre in the face. The fury that got through him had him clenching his jaw until the words could merely slither out.

I shook my head, my bottom lip quivering.

"He used to be my school mate!" I yelled at him.

"So you sneaked out of the hotel room just to be with your school mate?" He asked, yelling too.

"We met by coincidence. Andre came here for work, we..."

Then he slapped me again and pushed me to the floor. Andre struggled to save me, but he Couldn't, Shan pushed him away, and dragged me to the hotel room.

The Victims (Pt 5) "So You Sneaked Out Of The Hotel Room Just To Be With Your School Mate?" He Asked, Yelling Too Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 23, 2017 Rating: 5 Outside, the dull weather had been lifted by a welcome display of fierce sunshine, and nearly all of the snows that had covered th...

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