The Victims (Pt 4) "Does Wendy Know That Shan Beats You?" She Asked - Sirealsilver

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The Victims (Pt 4) "Does Wendy Know That Shan Beats You?" She Asked

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There were times Shan followed me to school on weekdays, and on weekends he would come over to my place and pick me to his apartment in Cresh town.

"You think this is love?" Arusi asked sarcastically.
"You are in an abusive relationship roomy, I am scared for You, just look at your face. Just last evening, Shan was at our door post, begging you like his life depended on it, and now see, you came back with another mark on your face."
Arusi said, while turning the cake batter with a wooden stick.

"He loves me Arusi. All through my lifetime I have never met a guy this perfect. He doesn't cheat, he gives me all I want. He is just a jealous lover."

She paused. "My father was a jealous lover. He used to beat up my mother every single day. She hid from us, but the injuries on her face revealed she was going though pains from papa.

She gave up her dreams just to make my father happy. But one day, just one day, she died in the hands of my father's belt."
"What? just belt!" I exclaimed.

"yes, just belt. that is what happens in an abusive relationship. Other days, he beats you with guns and machetes.

The day he decides to give a light slap, she died at the spot. I lost my mother." She said, her voice quivered now. She shrugged and continued turning the cake batter.

"Does Wendy know that Shan beats you?" She asked.

"of course not. I can't tell her."

"Why not? Wendy should know."


"So that if anything happens to you, we will know what to tell the police. We all have to be aware."
"Arusi! stay out of my relationship!

Sometimes you make me feel like you are jealous of my man. oh because your Patson isn't as rich as him." I said angrily.

Arusi stared at me, a smile curved her lips, she giggled and kept turning the batter.

"Do you think this is all about being rich?

It's not all about the Money, it's all about your peace of mind, your happiness. You don't have peace of mind Etiene. Right now, as you are standing there, you are scared, you are not free. You are a prisoner of a foolish love "

All of a sudden I stood up from the kitchen stool and walked out angrily, I took a cab to Cresh town, I was ready for Maui's weekend trip.

Few hours later, i was right at Shan's sitting room. Lost in my thoughts, it took a couple of seconds for me to raise my head at the sound of that masculine voice.

"Are you okay sweetheart." Shan asked calmly.

"I am ready for our weekend getaway in Maui."

He kissed me on the forehead and went for his wardrobe. He picked a few clothes into a trunk box and we both left for Maui.

The hotel rooms at Haleakala Volcano and beaches had a breath taking sight.
It was not just about the good food, beverages , nor the comfort of the cream cushioned round back seat in the rooms, nor even the vivid splash of bright yellow flowers arrangement on the hallway; It was the whole Haleakala, looking fabulously beautiful.

The Victims (Pt 4) "Does Wendy Know That Shan Beats You?" She Asked Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 23, 2017 Rating: 5 There were times Shan followed me to school on weekdays, and on weekends he would come over to my place and pick me to his apartment...

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