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By Okon Iyanam

There are a few things that defy both law and logic at the same time, and, anything which defies both at the same time must be the product of a corrupt or criminal mind.
Or both!

In the past 24 hours or so, the media (both social and unsocial) has been awash with the latest aggravation from the DSS, where a recruitment scandal is fast reaching dimensions of disbelief.

The gist of the scandal is the absolute disregard for the Federal Character Principle in recent recruitments into the staff of that establishment. One State, Katsina, as the figures indicate, has 51 new intakes whereas the combined number for the South Eastern States is less than the Katsina figure alone. 

The combined figures for all the Northern States absolutely diminishes the significance of any other geopolitical zone in that recruitment scam.

It does not help that both the President and the DG of the DSS are both Northerners and from Katsina state. They cannot escape all the negative comments trailing this recruitment scam
And they must not even attempt to.

They should not also try to obfuscate the real issues here, one of which is the dirigiste effort at northern regional control of the national security infrastructure. It cannot be anything else or anything less. We must not, out of fear of possible reprisals, fail to speak the truth.

What exactly does the DSS or its political leadership take southern Nigerians to be? Fools, ignorant or powerless? Trust me, we are neither. Only a complex idiot sitting at the DSS would arrive at such a fallacious assumption and only a set of very complex idiots would negate both the law and logic in such a brazen manner.

To be sure, this new form of corruption did not start with the DSS. Nor with this government. Nonetheless, wherever and whenever it has occured, it has always been a reprehensible form of repression.

Yes. Repression. Wherever and whenever you adopt principles that disfavor others, favouring only your own, you have repressed the civil and moral principles of governance; you have suppressed the truth and promoted particularism; you have repressed the legitimate aspirations of others in order to promote regional and sectional interests and you have committed a crime against the public interest - that of denying equal opportunity and coordinate and equal status, under our jurisprudence to all who may stand in need.

This recruitment action by the DSS defeats the "Nigeria First" principle. It promotes a "North First, Nigeria Last" philosophy, it points to corruption and to impunity, it negates commonsense and defeats due process, for those figures could not have emerged if all due process principles were adhered to.

Surely there must be a crime in all these. The leadership of the DSS must be brought to book and punished. The DG must be removed. 

The exercise must be cancelled in totality and a fresh process, inaugurated.
Enough of this nonsense
THE COMPLEX IDIOCY AT THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE SERVICES Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 30, 2017 Rating: 5 By Okon Iyanam There are a few things that defy both law and logic at the same time, and, anything which defies both at the same ti...

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