After all the hassles of making the D-day memorable, best man who is always the groom's right hand man fell asleep during the church wedding. Or could it be hang over from the bachelor's eve that made him take a nap during the actual event leaving the groom all on his own?
After all the hassle of
making the D-day memorable, best man who is always a groom’s right hand
man fell asleep during the church wedding. Or was it hang over from the
bachelor’s eve that made his take a nap? Read more: https://entertainment.naij.com/1099837-best-man-sleeps-friends-wedding-photo.html
Nobody can cheat Mother
After all the hassle of making the D-day memorable, best man who is
always a groom’s right hand man fell asleep during the church wedding.
Or was it hang over from the bachelor’s eve that made his take a nap?
Read more: https://entertainment.naij.com/1099837-best-man-sleeps-friends-wedding-photo.html
Nobody can cheat Mother
After all the hassle of making the D-day memorable, best man who is
always a groom’s right hand man fell asleep during the church wedding.
Or was it hang over from the bachelor’s eve that made his take a nap?
Read more: https://entertainment.naij.com/1099837-best-man-sleeps-friends-wedding-photo.html
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