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By Kokoette Udom

In a country where majority of the politicians openly display the odiousness of extreme desperation, it is both surprising and comforting to find some public office holders with unpretentious positive disposition to issue and fellow human beings. Rt.Hon. Barr Onofiok Luke belongs to this group.

Given his background and upbringing, it could easily be said that the lawmaker has really been living according to etiquette.
The speaker of the 6th house of Assembly has been receiving support and goodwill from the entire state and colleagues for his outstanding style of leadership.
He has been of great value to the state due to his exemplary leadership style at this critical times of challenging state issue, his proactiveness and responsiveness to the plight of the masses has stand him far from the crowd and a defender of the less privilege and hope for an average Akwa Ibomite.

As speaker, he set his agenda of promoting transparency, institutional integrity , efficient public expenditure management, improved capacity and productivity of the legislature and cordial working relationship with other arms of government.

He has been able to stern the tide of past instances where the house committed their precious time to dealing with internal crises and selfish aggrandisement to the detriment of pressing state issue.

He is a nationalist of different hue. Still bubbling with great ideas and knowing the type of divisive politics that most Nigerian play, he has refuse to alienate any of his friends or associate in other political parties. And today the people speaker is at home with everybody no matter the political party, ethnic association or religion deposition.

I urge him to continue to discharge his duties and responsibity without fear of favour in order to sustain the laudable agenda for the greatness of Akwa ibom state.

ONOFIOK LUKE - FAR FROM THE CROWD Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 24, 2017 Rating: 5 By Kokoette Udom In a country where majority of the politicians openly display the odiousness of extreme desperation, it is both s...

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