My Reply To The Sponsored Calumnies Against Me On The Case Of Uyo Constituency Briefing - Sirealsilver

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My Reply To The Sponsored Calumnies Against Me On The Case Of Uyo Constituency Briefing

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Few days ago, I have seen how the social domain have been totally immersed and flooded by the gibberish of some impetuous media imps and political urchins in a futile attempt to clamp or rather gag me from speaking out. I am not surprised or deterred by those actions of theirs because I could see clearly the man behind the mask.

I am very sorry from a selfish point of view in reacting to these media rats not in a way of making them important but to educate them on the indices of sound rebuttal.

I really do not know how much they were given for such impishly attacks on my personality just to reduce my reputation before my estimation of my well wishers and the general public. Well, that is by the way.

I read through all the beautiful and explicit grimy garbages and responses to my penultimate memos; piece, message and letter expressing my opinion and that of my vast majority of the people of Uyo to the member representing us in Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly with no atom of superior logic but only an expression of ire against me for daring to nail the lie to the counter.

I had thought that one of the write-ups or it's writers would pick to pieces my allegation by presenting fact(s). Shamelessly, I did not see one. Once again, I refuse to join the band wagon of those casting pearls before swine.

One of the writers attempted to question the creator of man for saying that I am a small boy. He is right. Does that in any way affect or try to twist the facts I earlier presented? No! Does the age of Methuselah has any comparison with the wisdom of Solomon? Certainly No!

In the same vein, another writer also alleged that I was sponsored. I totally agreed with him that indeed I am sponsored.

I was and is still, I am being sponsored by holy anger, truth, patriotism and the plight of the good people of Uyo that entrusted their mandate upon a man that does not value them.

While I would hurriedly sympathize with them for the time and energy expanded to published such numbers of fallacious publications, I wish to enjoin them to stay-off of fallacious of argumentation ad misericordiam (appeal to pity) and ad hominem (abusive and circumstantial) in their future write-ups.

Winston Churchill was right when he said: "courage is what is takes to stand up and speak, and also what it takes to sit down and listen".

I have taken courage to rise to speak in defense of truth against falsehood of abysmal performance by Hon. Monday Eyo.

My courage is not dwindled to sit down and listen if the honourable member would be bold enough to publish his achievement for all and sundry to see via the same medium I have been attacked.

Facts does not lie. Contra facta argumenta tum non violet which simply means, facts cannot be argued against. The only force strong enough to quell me is the force of facts and not calumny.

Finally, I understand that the mediocre minds is incapable of understanding the man that refuses to succumb blindly to conventional partialities and rather decides to express his opinion courageously and honestly.

Excuse me please!
Ekemini James
(Voice from the wilderness)
My Reply To The Sponsored Calumnies Against Me On The Case Of Uyo Constituency Briefing Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 21, 2017 Rating: 5 Few days ago, I have seen how the social domain have been totally immersed and flooded by the gibberish of some impetuous media imps ...

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