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Read post as shared by Torobong Ekpo
Ours is a country where everything, whether good or bad is possible and applicable in all facets of our economy and existence.

We are in a country where Will tendered by a deceased may not hold sway provided there are lingering issues between 'Step brothers' and sometimes sisters.

It was in this same country that, some lawyers vacated court injunction placed on Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, even when the court was on vacation.

In 2007, we had a scenario where Ime Albert was said to have been in possession of certificate of return,
 while Senator Effiong Bob had only flag in his custody but ended up completing his second term at the Red Chamber.

Isn't in this country that, Senator Ita Enang aspired for senatorial ticket but ended up becoming a fourth term member in the Green chamber.

What of Saviour Udoh and Senator Aloysius Etok Senatorial district ambition?
What of recent PDP Convention saga, where Abang ruling countered earlier decision?

Each time I recall events in this country, I feel for our unborn generation.
Any hope of improvement? Well, left in the hands of God.

While enjoying my honey moon, with my eluelu wife, I came across a CERTIFICATE OF RETURN lavishly bestowed on Hon. Bassey Etim aka Bafil by INEC.

To me, it is a welcome development as it will bring political consciousness to bear.
It will also give the duo an opportunity to test the strength of the court, which people claim IS THE HOPE OF A COMMON MAN.

However, when I remember how OBA's elder brother, Ime Albert was paraded out of Red chamber in 2007 and Senator Effiong Bob was sworn in to the amazement of NORTH SOUTH and other core loyalists of Ime... Mehn, that was the day I discovered that MAN PASS MAN NO BE TO WAKA COME PASS PERSON FOR ROAD.

Since then, we expected Ime to contest again in 2011, but to no avail.
He went to court, but to no avail.

Fortunately, Hon. Emmanuel Obot went to the same court and removed Bafil, claiming that the latter stole the mandate of Uyo Federal constituency.

How I wish I master the modus operandi of court the same way, I Master the game of chess.
But I know, politics is known and christened as "Mbre nkakad"
BAFIL VS SEN. OBA: REMEMBERING SEN. BOB & IME ALBERT 07 Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 13, 2017 Rating: 5 Read post as shared by Torobong Ekpo Ours is a country where everything, whether good or bad is possible and applicable in all fac...

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