So far, Buhari has not disappointed me, says Obasanjo - Sirealsilver

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So far, Buhari has not disappointed me, says Obasanjo

Ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo has said that current Nigerian leader Muhammadu Buhari has not disappointed him since he assumed office in May, 2015.

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Obasanjo said this in an interview with News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) at his hilltop residence in Abeokuta, Ogun state.
According to Obasanjo, Buhari had done his best to move the country forward.

He said:“Whatever anybody says, President Buhari has not disappointed me from what I know of him.
“In my book, I have said that Buhari is not strong on the economy and I did not write this to run him down.
“I also used to think that he is not strong in the area of foreign affairs, but I have realised that he has improved very well.
“He has actually done his best in the areas where we know him to be strong."
He continued: “Whatever you might see as bad in Nigeria, other societies have gone through the same at some period in their history.
“It is not for us to begin to condemn but to begin to join hands together and consider how we can make the best out of our present.
"Our present situation is a passing phase and we need to be resilient to ensure that we are not consumed by it.
“I will be the first to admit that we have not been where we should have been, but note that we have also been far from where we could have been because it could have been worse.
“It is the height of ingratitude for people to say Nigeria has not achieved anything or much as a nation.
“The generation before mine fought for Nigeria’s independence, that is great.
“My own generation, which is the next, fought to sustain the unity of Nigeria. “Since 1999, Nigeria had enjoyed 18 years of unbroken democracy.
“We witnessed in 2007 a transition of power from one individual to another in the same party. “We witnessed in 2015 a transition of power from an individual in the ruling party to another individual in the opposition party.
“All these should not be taken for granted.”
Obasanjo also dismissed calls for a national conference because they were distractions. He also said he did not bother to read the report of the last one organised by former President Goodluck Jonathan.

He said:”We Nigerians need ourselves and if anyone thinks he does not need another person, good luck to him.
“What I see in all those groups trying to break away is that they want more of the national cake.
“The fact that you want more of the cake means that it is good and you like it, else you will not be asking for more of it.
“I do understand the agitations of the youths in that the increased facilities that now exist as against our own time have not translated to adequate opportunities for them.
“But I think that rather than engage in violence, they should think of how to build on the sacrifices of the generations before them."

So far, Buhari has not disappointed me, says Obasanjo Reviewed by sirealsilver on February 26, 2017 Rating: 5 Ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo has said that current Nigerian leader Muhammadu Buhari has not disappointed him since he assumed office in Ma...

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