Pastor and 14 other Christians convert to Islam in Kwara state - Sirealsilver

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Pastor and 14 other Christians convert to Islam in Kwara state

According to a story shared online by a social media user identified as Dahwah007, about 15 Christians including a pastor, converted to Islam at an event recently.

According to Dahwah007, an event was held by the Academy for Islamic propagation (ACADIP) in Kwara state recently, during which a total of 15 Christians converted to Islam.
According to him, about 316 Christians have converted to Islam in the last 6 months, through the same academy.
Pastor and 14 other Christians allegedly convert to Islam in Kwara state
Cross-section of attendees at the event
See what he wrote below:
"In the ongoing programme that kicked off 10.00pm on friday 24th February 2017, organized by Academy for Islamic propagation (ACADIP), in offa, kwara state, a total number of 15 christians converted to islam.
After a lecture delivered by the chief lecturer, Alhaji Yusuf Adepoju & a debate in which he engaged in with a pastor and other Christians, a total of 15 Christians reverted to islam. 
The Academy has successfully converted 316 non-believers to islam in the last 6 months in various states in Nigeria.

Pastor and 14 other Christians convert to Islam in Kwara state Reviewed by sirealsilver on February 26, 2017 Rating: 5 According to a story shared online by a social media user identified as Dahwah007, about 15 Christians including a pastor, converted to Isl...

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