WILD CARD (PART 10) "Really, So You Know Ify's Husband. That's Amazing." Daniella Chips In - Sirealsilver

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WILD CARD (PART 10) "Really, So You Know Ify's Husband. That's Amazing." Daniella Chips In

So, we enter the living room to see more guests, but she drags me on to a corner where, who I perceive to be the mother of the baby is seated, her back to everyone, breastfeeding her baby.
"Sister Daniella, see who I found?"

And it came rushing like a burst of wind.
We are in Daniella's house. At her baby's naming ceremony. And the young lady that's been dragging me all over the place must be: Veronica or Scholastica. 

Those are the girls among Daniella's younger ones. Those girls were like thirteen to fifteen years the last time I saw them.

I couldn't be sure who it was anymore since they both look alike with just two years age difference.

The look of shock was evident in Dani's face. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"What are you doing here Ify? How did you know my house? Who told you about the naming ceremony?" She kept asking all these questions that I didn't know which of how to answer them.

The only thing rushing through my brain was the first and last time I went to her house when she gave birth to her first child in Owerri.

It all seemed like yesterday.

"Should I just leave since I'm not welcome in your house?" I asked, like a bitter, offended girl. I almost bit my tongue after saying that.
I'm petty.
I know it.
But this? This is an all time epic pettiness.
I really shouldn't have said that.

"Awww. You are still angry over what happened almost ten years ago? How old were we then? I'm sorry."

Like sorry would just make everything all right.
Like sorry would make me forget.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It was a long time ago."

She tells her sister to get us seats, and just then, her husband comes in.

"Ify!!!! It's great to see you, how did you know? It's bee too long. Oh; you're here Chuks my man, thanks for coming."

We take turns greeting and exchanging pleasantries.

Chuks gives me a knowing look.

"Ify, I can see you're married and expecting, who is the lucky man? You should have come with him."
I look in my husband's direction and nod proudly.

"You don't say. You and Chuks are married? Wow. I'm happy for you guys. I wouldn't have guessed." Toba responds, wide eyed.

"Really, so you know Ify's husband. That's amazing." Daniella chips in.

"Yes, we attended UniCal together, remember yesterday I told you I ran into an old acquaintance? This is him."

"Oh. It's indeed a small world." Daniella says as she greets my husband.

We couldn't play catch up as Dani and Toba had to attend to their guests, but I wasn't even in the mood to.

I only managed to ask after her parents, she said she told them not to bother coming since one of her sisters was there to help her, And Toba's mum was available.

Hmm. I perceived she hasn't changed at all. Trying to hide her parents because of their status.

We ate and drank to our fill, gave the mother and child the gifts we brought and left two hours later.
But not without exchanging contacts of course.

I couldn't help but see the look on Dani's face when we told her we lived in the same neighbourhood with them.

Can you imagine me, sharing the same neighbourhood with the high and mighty "Daniella Okafor Ogundana ".
Trans Amadi was the neighbourhood of the "who is who" back then.
I'm sure she was surprised we lived there. Afterall only Dani was entitled to the good things of life .
Meeting Dani again after so many years made something clear.
I had not forgiven her.

I, Ifeoma Immaculate Williams a baptized, born again and tongue speaking Christian was yet to forgive Dani for almost ten years.

When I saw her, I was angry all over again.
Plus, I never for once, mentioned her name to my husband. It was as if I locked her part of my life up somewhere and threw the key away.

This is not healthy.
I need to let go and let God.

"Who could have imagined that you knew Toba's wife. That was a reunion of sorts. But it seems you didn't part on a good note. What happened babe?" Chuks asked as we drove back home.

I knew he was going to ask and honestly, I wasn't ready to answer his questions.

"I don't want to talk about it, please, just drop it."

"Oops, that serious. Ok, I'll be here when you are ready to talk."

I didn't bother to respond. We hardly said a word to each other after that through out the drive home.

On getting home, I just had a cold shower and got to bed. I was avoiding talking to Chuks for fear of him bringing up the subject.

I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. But the smell of good food wafted it's way into my nostrils. Forgetting all about the previous day, I called out to Chuks who answered with a tray of full English breakfast.

"Am I blessed or what?" I beamed with smiles.

"Wow. So all it takes is a tray of food. I'll keep that in mind for future purpose." He said jokingly.

"Ok, I deserved that. Let me eat first and I'll tell you everything. This breakfast has earned you the exclusive details of the "Dani and I diaries"."
"Good afternoon nurse, please where is Aisha?" I asked the nurse on duty at Aisha's place of primary assignment.

"In her office, you're welcome."
"Thank you." I make my way to Aisha's office.

We exchange pleasantries.

"It's been a while girlfriend, and you don't look too good. What's wrong? If I didn't know any better, I'll say you be been avoiding me."

I've been trying to get hold of Aisha for weeks; which is a rare occurrence. We hardly go a whole week without seeing each other.
As I ask her these questions, she bursts into tears.

"What's wrong? Please talk to me. Is it your parents? Your siblings? Mukthar?

At the mention of her fiance's name, she breaks down. I am genuinely scared. I'm concerned for them.

"What's wrong with him? Is he ok? Is he sick?"

"He, he, he has been cheating on me. We are not married yet and he is already cheating. And I hear the woman he is cheating with is married. His neighbour's wife. A woman with three kids."

I am stunned! How is that possible. Though Mukthar is a Muslim, he has always been vocal about his dislike for polygamy. He studied in the UK, so he shares some western values.
I am disappointed.
But I can't tell my friend that.
I need to calm her down.

"Are you sure? How did you know?" I ask her.

"You know I don't listen to hearsay. I had been suspicious for some time now, but I saw it with my two eyes last week. That's why I've not been in touch with you. I've been too ashamed." She responds amidst sobs.

"Hian. Meeen! But wait o, you mean you caught him with his neighbour's wife? Are you sure of what you saw? I don't want you jumping to conclusions and taking rash decisions."

For my friend's sake, I just wish this was a huge misunderstanding. 

"Ify, I know what I saw! They were together in bed. I left his place that evening but discovered I forgot my keys at his place. I went back but got delayed by terrible traffic that wasted almost one hour of my time. 

They must have been sure I would have gone far. As God would have it, they didn't lock the front door, so I just walked in to see them naked in bed."

"Anuofia! Is he crazy? Cheating is bad enough, but cheating with a married woman who is his neighbour's wife? That's lower than low. Wasn't he even scared of being caught by the woman's husband even if he's not scared if you?"

"Her husband spends most of his time abroad. Heard he is an athlete or footballer or so. I guess that gives them all the time and secrecy they need."

All rights reserved 

Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran
WILD CARD (PART 10) "Really, So You Know Ify's Husband. That's Amazing." Daniella Chips In Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 14, 2017 Rating: 5 So, we enter the living room to see more guests, but she drags me on to a corner where, who I perceive to be the mother of the baby i...


  1. Pls next chapter.


  2. please discard the girl's instagram which in the beginning
