She was taken to the hospital in handcuffs.
The doctors confirmed that she was still pregnant before she was taken to prison. She was granted thirty years imprisonment for killing through self defense which she claimed it was.
And for holding a gun. She was just coming out of a deep sleep, and she groaned, dreaming that she got married to Harry the second time.
She was sore and her body ached.
She had muttered 'Harry' since the first day she was taken to prison, and the prison securities demanded that Harry visits her, even though they felt she was becoming mentally unstable.
After few weeks of considering if he was going to visit Atimma or not, he finally made up his mind to give her the opportunity of seeing Didi.
Right in front of the prison, before Harry was called in, he carried Didi in his arms and said, "We are about to see your mom. She hurt us, and I want you to forgive her, because I have..." Tears ran out of his eyes uncontrollably, he began to sob softly.
"Dada don't cry. I am here." Didi said in soft whispers. Those were the same words Harry said to her when she cried.
The prison guard appeared.
"She is ready to see you now." He said boldly.
Didi wiped her father's tears with her tiny hands and held him tight. She bent her neck on his arms as he walked into the Prison with confident.
He was huge, handsome and the smell of his designers perfume went into the air. He was a wealthy man, it was obvious. The prison guards stood for him as he waved his hands at them.
"Welcome sir." They greeted in Unison.
It felt like a celebrity just walked in, and they wondered who he was; a cute man with so much delectability.
Atimma's heart broke when she lifted her face. There was sorrow in her gaze. She didn't move, didn't blink an eye when Harry walked into the room she was.
"Nice perfume." She said Softly, and then she began to cry softly. "Didi, is that you?" Her voice quivered as Didi nodded. "I feel like holding you in my arms, but the guards won't let me." She sobbed.
"I called you both today, to ask for forgiveness. I know it's going to be hard, but just let this go." She cried bitterly, trying to breath. "I cheated on your father, I was greedy." she stared at Didi's face. "I want you to grow and become better woman than I was. I want you to love God and your father..."
"And Enyofo?" Didi asked, her eyes snapping open at the sound of her own voice.
Atimma cried and then said, "whoever she is, if she means something to you and you love her, be a good girl and make her proud."
"Enomfon is the woman I am getting married to." Harry said huskily.
Atimma nodded.
"I had a feeling when I saw her number in your shirt pocket. I disposed it. If it's the same lady, then you two were meant to be. I was the wrong code, I was the one you made a mistake with. How is your mother?"
"She died, few months after you left." There was deafening silence as tears filled Atimma's face.
"I am so sorry. I deserve to stay here. Our daughter is so beautiful." She smiled tearily.
"The doctors said you're pregnant, and that after your baby is born, it will given to government." Atimma nodded.
"I am going to give your lawyer two million naira, it will raise your child."
"Thank You... thank you so much..." Atimma cried out.
"Oga, time is up o." The prison guard said.
Didi handed her a picture of herself, and she collected it hastily and squeezed it inside her breast...
"Thank you my baby." She whispered. The guard appeared and took her away.
There were tears in Harry's eyes. The woman he ones love was in prison uniform.
She was going to be there for thirty years; And by then, Didi was going to be thirty two years old.
He was going back to the love of his life. (Enomfon)
He was getting married to her. She belonged to him now, and nothing was going to take her away.
He opened the car door and gently lowered Didi on her seat.
"Dada I want to drink fanta." She said girlishly.
Harry heard her, but he didn't reply.
He drove her to the food club, and watched her as she gulped down a bottle of fanta in few seconds. She stared at her father excitedly.
Written by Vicky Bon
June 2, 2017
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