The pastor of their new church had told them to come back for marriage blessing after Enomfon had put to birth.
And right after nine months she had twin boys.
Harry was at work when she put to bed, but Didi was right beside her, holding her hands and shouting "Push!" just after the nurses.
She didn't know what was going on, but Enomfon had told her when she started having labour pains that baby was coming.
The nurses pulled out the first baby and pleaded with Enomfon to push one last time; and when she did, she pushed out her son with all her power and might.
She felt a feeling of joy as she heard the cry of her two sons. She opened her eyes, feeling calm and rested.
"cute boys!" the nurses screamed as they showed the babies to her. Didi widened her eyes and stared at her brothers amazingly.
She started crying and struggling with the nurses to carry them in her arms.
Enomfon smiled weakly, it was lazy and sensual smile.
"Let her just touch them please." Enomfon said to the nurses.
Harry returned back from work two days after his sons were born.
He cuddled them all through the night, while Didi sang lullabies for them. They both of them watched the boys as if they were magical beings.
Harry's joy was beyond.
Everyone was expecting Enomfon's mother and brother in two Weeks time. They were going to be there at the naming ceremony of the boys. Harry was anxious to meet his brother inlaw, who was once his cell mate in Uyo.
Harry had bought drinks and food stuffs in large quantities, he could not wait for the ceremony to come. He had two most important ceremonies in one day; His sons naming ceremony and his marriage blessing.
Enomfon was awake to watch the sunrise, It was going to be the most memorable day of her life, the day she would marry the love of her life in church, and also the day she would give names to her sons.
Didi was always calling them baby one and baby two, and Enomfon would smile and stare at her. She could not wait to hear their real names.
She turned her head, and her face bumped against Harry's chest. She propped herself up on the pillow and
watched him as he slept.
With his intense spirit, she was happy that she was that woman who bore him sons and whom he was going to wed that morning. He was going to be first and only man he would kiss before her brother, her mother and the church.
His dark lashes laid like a silk against his tan cheeks. She loved the way his lips was, she could hardly resist kissing him. She lightly touched his lips, and jumped when he grabbed her hand, coming instantly awake.
For a moment, she stared at his brown eyeballs. His mouth moved into a smile, and he stretched slow and long, then pulled her toward him.
"Today, you will known as the mother of Ukeme and Utibe." He gave her the most seductive look.
He pulled her on top of him, yanking up her night gown so her bare flesh touched his.
She felt him swell against her, and caught her breath. Leaning slowly toward him, she touched her lips to his.
"Enomfon, I am bathing the babies, start bathing too so that you won't keep pastor in church. Wake your husband." Her mother screamed from the corridor close to their room.
They both of them giggled. His mouth ground against hers, and was lost to the flowing emotions that passed through them.
"I want to hold you forever." He muttered, sliding into her.
An hour, Didi was beautifully dressed in her pearle beaded little bride's gown. It snow white, and she loved the way the shiny flowers dropped on her skin. She led her new mother beautifully down the aisle.
Enomfon closed her eyes when she was almost close to the podium. Love shot Harry's eyes, he couldn't control his tears as he wept uncontrollably as Enomfon held his hands.
When he was about to make his vows, he held Enomfon's hands and stared at her eyes for a moment, then when he finally spoke, there was wonder, emotions and power in his voice.
Written by Vicky Bon
June 2, 2017
So beautiful.