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By George Akpan

In a democratic system such as ours, legislators play a central role in helping to stabilize the polity by creating policies, budgets and programmes, participating in debates on proposed legislation and even seeking funding for their districts based on needs of the constituents.

To function therefore as a legislator, one must be imbued with requisite education and passion to serve and subsequently attract dividends accruable therefrom to his people.

The member representing Itu/Ibiono Ibom Federal Constituting in the House of Representatives, Hon. Dr. Henry Archibong, has so far demonstrated a burning passion to serve his people in line with the expectations of the mandate they gave to him in trust.

Among the things Dr. Archibong has done for his people is taking their problem, where the need arises to the House of Representatives for action through the various tools such as petitions, motions, matters of urgent public importance, and bills.

In line with his promise of delivering purposeful and effective representation, Hon. Dr. Henry Archibong has so far presented twelve petitions on the floor of the House on behalf of of his constituents.

Of the twelve, two petitions belonging to Etubom Ita Oku Ita (from Obong Itam, Ward 5, Itu L.G.A), and Sgt. Augustine Effiong (from Ikot Usen, Ward 4 in Ibiono Ibom L.G.A)have been heared and ruling given.

One, belonging to Major Hogan John Ene (from Mbiatok Itam, Ward 4, Itu LGA) has been listed already awaiting hearing. These are clear cases, defining a man who is poised to be used as the last man standing to restore hope to his people.

Etubom Ita Oku Ita’s appointment with Somotex Nig. Ltd was prematurely terminated in December 23, 2014, having been employed by the company as Service Engineer in charge of Uyo and Calabar Zones, sequel to a ghastly motor accident he had on his way to Calabar where two persons died on December 13, 2014, himself sustaining major injuries around his lower limbs.

To stem the tide of this act of wickedness, Etubom Oku petitioned the Honourable Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the quintessential Henry Archibong took the matter to the floor of the House on July 25, 2015 with a petition titled “Unjust Termination of Appointment by SOMOTEX NIG. LTD: An Appeal for Review”, in line with Order VIII Rule 45 Sub 1 of the House of Representatives.

The petition, without debate was laid and referred to the appropriate Committee when constituted.

Upon constitution, the Hon. Nkem Abonta led Committee on Public Petitions called for hearing of the petition on December, 2, 2016.

The petitioner presented credible evidences and made his claims, whereas the respondent did not present any substantial evidence to counter the claims of the petitioner.

The committee, in her magnanimity, gave the respondent additional four (4) months within which to present evidences and a formidable defense.

On the said date (2nd hearing), the respondent failed to appear before the committee, and again, the committee gave them another five (5) weeks within which to appear before her.

The third and final hearing came on May 16, 2017 and the respondent could not produce any substantial evidence, and whereas the committee having been satisfied that the petitioner proved his case of unjust negligence by his employer and her agents, ruled that the petitioner be granted all three prayers sought for in his petition.

The prayers of the petition reads:

i. “Request the management of SOMOTEX NIG. LTD. To appear before you with a view to compelling her to reverse its decision terminating my service with her”,

ii. “That by virtue of the provisions of the Employee Act, I should be paid my gross remuneration from the last payment which was December 2014 to date”

iii. “That being very desirous to continue my service with the company, I should be re-instated, since I am not as at today due for retirement either by age or length of service, and especially because I was never found wanting in the discharge of my duties either as a result of voluntary negligence of duty, incompetence, misappropriation, misconduct or exhibit any act of insubordination”.

On the other hand, Sgt. Augustine Effiong’s Petition had to do with wrongful withdrawal from ASP Promotion Course 2/2006, wrongful prosecution for impersonation, De-kitting and non-payment of salaries and other entitlements since October 2006.

He was enlisted into the Nigeria Police Force on August 1, 1991 and rose to the rank of a sergeant. While serving meritoriously at 28 Police Mobile Force, Umahia from 2002 and was nominated for ASP Promotion Course 2 in January 2006.

Just two weeks away from writing the final examination, he was withdrawn from the course and charged to court by the Abia State Criminal Investigation Department, Umahia for impersonation and stealing of salaries paid to him since 2002, citing an anonymous petition.

Having been disengaged from the force following the withdrawal, he went through the court processes at Umahia Magistrate Court and in 2008 the court found that his dismissal was in error as documents tendered by the prosecutor failed to prove that he at any time was dismissed. The court discharged and acquitted him of all three court charges of;

i. Impersonating a public officer

ii. Wearing the uniform of the Nigeria Police Force, for which he is not a member and,

iii. Stealing

His petition was presented on the floor of the Green Chambers by Hon. Dr. Henry Archibong in April, 2016. His intellectual erudition of the matter made it impossible for a debate and the petition was subsequently laid and referred to the committee on public petitions.

The first hearing on the matter came up on the 22nd of March 2017 and was attended by the Commissioner of Police in charge of Welfare and his Provost counterpart.

The committee, not satisfied with the documented evidence presented before it, obliged both parties eight (8) weeks within which to present same.

However, owing to accelerated hearing facilitated by Dr. Archibong, both parties were engaged by the substantial evidences laid before the committee. After a thorough cross examination of evidences laid, the committee held that;

i. The NPF erred in dismissing the petitioner, having failed to grant the petitioner fair hearing

ii. That having been dismissed, the NPF also compromised by allowing the petitioner secure transfer to Umahia without proper signal

iii. That the petitioner having been transferred, worked for four more years as a Police officer, a situation that was a direct indictment on the NPF

iv. That having been arrested, tried and jailed for impersonation and stealing, the petitioner secured a court judgement, discharging and acquitting him of any wrong doing since the Police could not present any substantial evidence to prove their case

v. That having failed to appeal the judgement of the court, the Police could not at the same time refuse to obey the court order which reinstated the accused.

Ruling therefore, the committee declared that the petitioner be reinstated, promoted as appropriate with all his salaries and entitlements paid from October 2006 till date, in accordance with his prayers.

With the studies Dr. Archibong is making in legislative and constituency representation so far, it is clear that the lawmaker has a clear definition of legislative proceedings and where he is going.

It proves that he is in perfect touch with his constituents and is always there for them in his capacity as a lawmaker.

The duo of Etubom Ita Oku and Sgt. Augustine Effiong will remain eternally grateful to God for using Dr. Archibong to restore their once lost hope.
REPS MEMBER, HENRY ARCHIBONG RESTORING LOST HOPE TO HIS CONSTITUENTS Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 21, 2017 Rating: 5 By George Akpan In a democratic system such as ours, legislators play a central role in helping to stabilize the polity by creat...

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