On The Federal University Of Maritime Studies Oron (FUMSO) : Th Bill Is Alive And Cannot Be Killed - Sen. Nelson Efiong - Sirealsilver

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On The Federal University Of Maritime Studies Oron (FUMSO) : Th Bill Is Alive And Cannot Be Killed - Sen. Nelson Efiong

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The senator representing Eket Senatorial District, senator Nelson Effiong has reassured his constituents that the Bill for the Upgrade of Maritime Academy Of Nigeria, Oron to Federal University of Maritime Studies is alive and cannot be killed.

 According to a message on his facebook, he has hinted that "someone has similarly sponsored the same Bill in the House of Representatives which will help hasten its concurrence when it finally gets there."

Read post as shared on his facebook...
May I use this auspicious occasion to continue to thank and appreciate my indefatigable constituents and indeed the entire Akwa Ibom citizens who have remained steadfastly committed to supporting their own in the National Assembly.

Truly, it would not have been as easy without your support and prayers.

I deem it needful to at this point bring to our knowledge that we, your representatives at the National Assembly are doing what is required of us to give you effective representation at that level.

May I equally intimate you on the status of the Bill I sponsored for the Upgrade of Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron to FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF MARITIME STUDIES, ORON.

The Bill was first read on the floor of the Senate on 23rd June, 2016 while the second reading came up in November, 2016. It was thereafter sent to the Committee on Tetfund and Public Hearing was held.

It is however worthy of mention that our Bill came side by side the Okerenkoko Bill whose report was submitted, passed and forwarded to the Lower Chambers for concurrence.

Again, I am not unaware that some of our people may have raised a few questions out of genuine concern and patriotic commitment to the success of our efforts.

It is therefore very needful for me at this point to assuage the feelings of our people by strongly assuring us that the Committee shall submit its report in earnest. The Bill is alive and cannot be killed.

It is equally instructive to inform you that someone has similarly sponsored the same Bill in the House of Representatives which will help hasten its concurrence when it finally gets there.

Once again, we are resolutely committed to representing us effectively as we had sworn to do so in the interest of our people.

God blessAkwa Ibom South Senatorial District!
God bless Akwa Ibom State!!
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!
Senator Nelson Effiong
Akwa Ibom South Sen. Dist.
On The Federal University Of Maritime Studies Oron (FUMSO) : Th Bill Is Alive And Cannot Be Killed - Sen. Nelson Efiong Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 16, 2017 Rating: 5 The senator representing Eket Senatorial District, senator Nelson Effiong has reassured his constituents that the Bill for the Upgrade...

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