Isaiah 30:21 KJV
“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left”.
God has promised never to leave us nor forsake us in this world. He has plans to make sure that we are properly directed through life. It is my prayer that 2018 will be a very fulfilling year for you, as you seek directions from the Lord for every major step you take in Jesus Name. I will like to introduce you to a voice I call the voice of direction.
-It is a voice that shows up when you are on the move. It is a voice that shows up when you are about to make a turn or diversion. This is not necessarily heard with the physical ears, but sometimes could be physical as well.
-It is a voice that reacts with your entire being. Your whole being just suddenly doesn’t feel like doing a particular thing or going to particular place you were once excited about. That might be the voice behind you, giving you direction.
-This voice can come like flashes of pictures in your mind. One flash can kill an entire dream all by itself. That might be the voice of direction at work.
-Sometimes you could stumble into a saying or statement in the Bible that could change your course of action. You know those times when certain scriptures just jump into your spirit from the pages of the Bible?
-God could use a dream to confirm where you are to go and what it is you are to do.
-Lastly, it could just be one random statement by someone who knows nothing about what you want to do. He may just make a statement that may either confirm your going ahead or withdrawal.
For instance, when I was attempting to get married to someone else before I met my wife, a music that was playing in a taxi contributed to my withdrawal from the move. Let’s say her name is Chinyere (not her name), the song playing that day had her name mentioned in it, and that was what shocked me. The original song was “chikeji chikabo...”. But they used her name like this, “Chinyere too stubborn...”. I was so shocked to say the least. For me, that was part of the voice of direction, amongst other encounters I had, which showed that God wanted me out of that relationship.
Receive grace to access, hear and obey the voice of direction in Jesus Name.
Action Points/Prayer
-Read all over again.
-Make notes on each point about the various manifestations of this voice.
-Pray for sensitivity of spirit in Jesus Name.
The voice of direction guides you aright at every turn and cross road of life; train yourself to be sensitive to this voice.
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