Romans 12:2 KJV
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”.
I have seen people suffer and labour under very difficult circumstances of life with no end in sight. Many make it worse by looking for people to blame for their misfortune. While others blame it on spirits and witchcraft or marine spirits. While these things may be partly responsible for your woes, attacking in a raw fashion will only deepen your troubles. In the bible, all afflictions, troubles and misfortunes are grouped under darkness. While knowledge is seen as light. Therefore, you can’t overcome darkness in darkness; you must get some light to do so. This is why I have said that knowledge is the game changer.
The difference between stagnation and progress is one information, knowledge or light. All a poor man needs to end his poverty permanently is not handouts but light. That is why the gospel is to be preached first to the poor. The knowledge of the gospel makes the poor rich eventually. You need knowledge inside you to cause a transformation outside you. Nothing outside you will change if nothing inside you changes. Your circumstances don’t improve when you have not improved as a person.
Isaiah put it so aptly when he said “arise shine for your light is come...”. Isaiah 60:1. Your rising is waiting for your lighting. The woman who lost one piece of her silver did not run around immediately; she first lit up her candle, and as we know, light is knowledge. Why not go for the knowledge required to be a better person at what you do, or how to start a business or improve your marriage etc. You can begin to make billions if you go for knowledge. At the end of the day, those who seem to be better than you are only better because they know something you do not know. The worst kind of laziness is mental laziness. Go for knowledge and be transformed.
Action Points
i. Make a collection of materials that border around the areas you suffer most, and determine to diligently digest them.
ii. Structure yourself to keep growing by knowledge on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
-Lord fill my heart with deep appetite for knowledge.
-Father please deliver me from mental laziness in Jesus Name.
You need knowledge inside you to cause a transformation outside you. Nothing outside you will change if nothing inside you changes.
Job 22:28 KJV
“Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways”.
We have not been saved or called to operate like unbelievers. We are not of this world, we belong to the Kingdom of God. We belong to a kingdom where everyone is a king and a priest. And in both worlds, we get things done in a very unique way. We don’t fret, we don’t panic or suffer anxiety attacks, we just make decrees, and watch them get established.
The reason is simple: we have been made in the image of God, as such we can only get things done the way God gets them done. When the world was without form and void; and darkness was everywhere, all God did was to make a decree. He called for things and the things appeared. He is a king and kings rule by decrees. We also have been saved to become kings and priests; ruling in both spiritual and the physical worlds.
Joshua once demonstrated this when he fought a great battle and the nightfall would constitute a disadvantage for them in the battle. All he did was decree that the sun and the moon would stand still; (Joshua 10:12-13). What cannot be fixed by human capacity can be decreed against. You are not supposed to be stranded or frustrated when you are a king.
Receive the grace, audacity and boldness to make decrees today in Jesus Name.
Action Points
i. Make a list of all the things in your life that seem to be frustrating you and decree against them consistently.
ii. Rule over any situation of concern in your life by making godly, word-based decrees. By so doing, you will determine your outcomes in Jesus Name.
Pray along the assignment today.
What cannot be fixed by human capacity can be decreed against. You are not supposed to be stranded or frustrated when you are a king.
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