Jeremiah 1:11-12 KJV
“Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree. Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it”.
If it is true that you become what you behold, or what you have been focusing on, then it means our families can be changed for the better. Jacob demonstrated that when he made the strong cattle of Laban to focus on the spotted rod while they fed, drank and mated. By that simple act he reengineered the genetics of these animals just like that. Goats and sheep that had no trace of spot in their DNA became spotted, almost overnight. And that caused a transfer of Laban’s cattle to Jacob.
The story is no different for us humans, whether single or married. A single person can get the right picture of what they think their marriage and family should look like and make it his/her focus till he/she gets married. It would influence how you conduct yourself and it will spell out who you should get married to. When your marital choice is vision guided, then you will end up with a solid choice; because you will be choosing with the future in mind.
And for the married, if you have made it your priority to focus your attention on successful marriages, it will become your vision and you will end up with great marital success. I once counseled a would be couple, when the lady expressed great concerns about all the failures in marriages everywhere. She pointed out all the bad things that keep happening to married people, and wondered how they would survive. And I told her she feels that way because she has been focusing on the bad marriages. Then I asked her why she was not seeing the successful marriages around; and she suddenly realized what she was doing to herself. Make a list of very successful marriages and observe them as much as you can, and then make it clear to them that you will be like them and even better in Jesus Name.
Action Points
i. Thank God for today’s word.
ii. Start confessing that your marriage will be a great one.
iii. Block your eyes and minds from failed marriages.
iv. Continually thank God for your marriage or future marriage.
-Lord I thank you for what I see my marriage to be in Jesus Name.
-I reject all kinds of ideas and suggestions of a bad marriage in Jesus Name.
If you have made it your priority to focus your attention on successful marriages, it will become your vision and you will end up with great marital success.
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