Matthew 7:21-23 KJV
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity”.
There are different ways wherein we offend God. There is sin, transgression and iniquity. The word “sin” means to miss the mark. Missing the mark means, you made a mistake and you missed God’s leading and direction. Transgression is going beyond a limit or violating a command. It is more like breaking rules and procedures. But iniquity is perversion. It is known as a wicked act; gross injustice and wickedness. All these three can be referred to as sin as well, but we know the gravity of each.
The matter with iniquity is that it has to do with some form of evil heart or a serious bondage to an evil habit. The habit of incest is iniquitous, masturbation can be an Iniquity. This does not exempt things like stealing, lying, anger, and other sins from falling into the category of iniquity. A thing becomes an Iniquity when it has become a bondage; that is, when it gets transferable to your unborn generation.
Judah the son of Jacob, slept with his daughter in-law and then it moved all the way to David, who slept with Bathsheba. Then Amnon, slept with Tamar his sister, then Absalom slept with his father’s wives, etc. This was Iniquity on the move right there.
The kind of grip iniquity has can make a person hardened against God. Iniquity can even persist into your new birth and even to ministry. This is what explains the kind of tragedy we see amongst ministers. The worst of this kind are hidden iniquitous practices; such as a situation where everyone sees you in a perfect light, whereas the real you is different from what they see. Iniquity can be overcome if you refuse to allow yourself to become hardened in it. It is those hardened people that Jesus called the workers of iniquity. Expose it, confess or, seek for help, seek the Lord by waiting on Him over the matter. If you do not fight Iniquity in your life, it will destroy your destiny.
Receive grace to fight in Jesus Name.
Action Points
i. Read today’s word again.
ii. See if there are any iniquitous practices in you.
iii. Come up with a plan against it. Fight it with daily prayer fellowship, along with periodic weekly fasting.
iv. Expose it. Confide in more spiritual persons about it. Stay accountable.
-Pray over each step in the action points.
If you do not fight Iniquity in your life, it will destroy your destiny.
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