Daily Success! How to Get Yours Prayers Answered by God - Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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Daily Success! How to Get Yours Prayers Answered by God - Ezekiel Atang

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Matthew 6:9 KJV
“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name”.

There are many that are just interested in the act or exercise of praying, without knowing or wanting to know if their prayers will be answered at all. There are people that just pray to give themselves a feeling that they are doing something about their situation, only for them to come around tomorrow to do the same prayer. And after many years they want to be able to say “we are still praying”. What these people should do is to find out why they are not getting answers.

God is not a deaf and dumb God like the idols of the world. He is a person or personality; He hears, speaks, thinks and moves. And if God does not answer your prayers by changing your situation, He would at least speak to you about your situation. But the reasons many don’t get any answers is because they are not within His family. God is a father to some people. That was why Jesus said when you pray you should say “our father...” God is a God to everyone, but He is not a father to all. And It is only those He is a father to that can really get answers to prayer.

You see, when you give your life to Jesus Christ and become born again, the Spirit of His son is sent into your heart, and then you will be able to cry “Abba Father “; Galatians 4:6. Which means “father, father”. When Jesus comes into your heart in the new birth experience, your language changes from “oh God”, to “father in heaven”. It is then that your prayers receive solid answers. Prayer is a family thing. Just like a stranger from the streets cannot ask me for something really expensive, so also there are things you can’t get from God until you join the family. The best thing a person who is not in the fold can do is the prayer to be saved, because “whosoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved”; Romans 10:13. But the sacrifice (prayer inclusive) of the wicked (unbeliever or backslider) is an abomination to the Lord; (Proverbs 15:8). Straighten your relationship with God and then gain access in prayers, with corresponding answers in Jesus Name.

Action Points/Prayer
-If you are not saved, ask God to forgive you and come into your heart. Tell Him you want to be His child from today.
-If you are a backslider, ask the Lord to forgive and restore you today.

God is a God to everyone, but He is not a father to all. And It is only those He is a father to that can really get answers to prayer.
Daily Success! How to Get Yours Prayers Answered by God - Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on January 28, 2018 Rating: 5 Matthew 6:9 KJV “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name”.

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