Jerusalem as Israel's Capital: Last Endtime Prophesy just got fulfilled - Sirealsilver

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Jerusalem as Israel's Capital: Last Endtime Prophesy just got fulfilled

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If you are alive and reading this post and you haven't made peace with God, you may wish to know that about the last of Jesus' prophecies concerning the endtime has just been fulfilled.

With today's decision by World Power, the US to officially recognise Jerusalem as Israel's Capital and further directive that its embassy be moved there from Tel Aviv, the next major event the world is about to witness is the RAPTURE!
This should interest all Christians and indeed all Bible students.
In 1948, God's promise to gather and to restore scattered Israelites and bring them into their own land was fulfilled with the declaration and recognition of Israel as a sovereign nation, Ezekiel 34: 11-16.
But Jerusalem had remained in dispute till date. Though the US Congress voted in favour of the move 20 years ago, all US Presidents from Bill Clinton have blocked the move, until today.
Any follower of Endtime prophecies in the book of Daniel would agree that Donald Trump's ascendency to the White House was something out of the ordinary.
Zechariah 12 reveals that at the time of the end, Jerusalem shall become the centre of world attention 'with all the nations of the world joining forces to attack her,' verse 4.
Today, that process has effectively, officially begun.
Fox News correspondent Shepherd Smith in reports strategically dubbed 'Capital Controversy' says that American embassies all over the world are already bracing for trouble, after that historic and stunning broadcast, today by President Trump.
"I have determined officially that it is time we recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation with the right to determine it's own capital", Trump said.
Barely a few minutes after the broadcast, more than 17 countries including Palestine, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, and the Hamas have signed up to vex Israel and Jerusalem with fierce reprisals and rage.
This should not surprise you.
Speaking on the signs of the endtime, Jesus said in Luke 21:20 'And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh,' KJV.
Concerning the armies currently encamping round about Jerusalem, God told Zechariah in chapter 12: 3-9 that 'when that times come, I will make Jerusalem like a heavy stone - any nation that tries to lift it will be hurt. At that time, I will terrify all their horses and make all their riders go mad ... The surrounding nations shall be destroyed and the people of Jerusalem will remain safe in the city ... At that time I will destroy every nation that tries to attack Jerusalem."
Beloved, the only other yet to be fulfilled prophecy, that is probably holding back the rapture and the concomitant chain of events, is Jesus' Words in Matthew 24:14.
In that verse of Scripture, Jesus said 'And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.'
You may ask: how possible is it to reach 8 billion humans with the gospel.
Well, that's almost already done - from Indonesia to Mongolia, people are already being reached with the message of salvation.
Prophet Daniel in chapter 12:4 inspired by God's Holy Spirit foresaw that in the last 
days, knowledge shall increase and give rise to amazing technologically innovations.

That prophecy was one of the earliest to user in the last days.

Today, ICTs, satellite communication and Internet-ready, hand-held digital personal digital assistants and gadgets take the gospel to every corner of the globe in real time, 247.
So there isn't any tenable excuse,my dear friend.

If you have read this post or ever heard the message of salvation, that's a Testimony.
RAPTURE IS NEARER THAN WE THOUGHT. Make the decision today.

God bless you.
Your Brother, 
Abasifreke Idiong
Jerusalem as Israel's Capital: Last Endtime Prophesy just got fulfilled Reviewed by sirealsilver on December 10, 2017 Rating: 5 If you are alive and reading this post and you haven't made peace with God, you may wish to know that about the last of Jesus' pr...

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