Daily Success! Thank God for Nothing - Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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Daily Success! Thank God for Nothing - Ezekiel Atang

Romans 8:28 KJV

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”

As believers, we have not been called to normal existence; We don’t do things the way the rest of the world does. When people say they are dying, we say “it is well”. When men are cast down, we say “there is a lifting up”; and when we are weak we say “we are strong”. In the same way, when there is nothing to thank God for, we still say “thank you Lord”. Which is a way of thanking God for nothing. But we don’t really thank God for nothing, and here are the reasons why:

Firstly, it would be false to say that there is nothing to thank God for because while you may be expecting other things that have not yet come to pass in your life, there are several other things that He has done already that are worth thanking Him for. Never allow your unmet expectations to rob God of the thanks He deserves, for all the very many things He has done for you already.

Secondly, throughout the bible, we see that thanksgiving was a very powerful way to turn ugly situations around. There was a crisis of massive shortage of supplies in Jesus’s ministry at a time, and His approach to the problem was simply amazing! He thanked God. That sounds like thanking God for nothing, but that was the way to solve the problem of lack. Those five loaves and two fishes became enough to handle all the thousands of hungry people at that meeting. Thank Him for what has not happened. 

Thank Him for what He has not done. Thank Him for those prayers not yet answered. When you thank God for nothing, nothing will go wrong. When you thank God for nothing or for what has not yet happened, it will provoke something that deserves thanksgiving to happen. When we thank Him for nothing, it will work out for our good. 
Receive thanksgiving grace in Jesus Name. 

Reference: Mark 8:1-8.

Action Points
i. Repent of all forms of murmurings of the past from now on.
ii. Gather your family and start thanking God for everything and anything.
iii. Ask the Lord to show you the good in everything from today forward.

i. Lord I repent for all those months and years of murmuring and complaining.
ii. I celebrate your love and goodness over my life, I know you mean well for me, and I thank you because it is all working for my good in Jesus Name.

Never allow your unmet expectations to rob God of the thanks He deserves, for all the very many things He has done for you already.
Daily Success! Thank God for Nothing - Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on December 29, 2017 Rating: 5 Romans 8:28 KJV “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according t...

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