Daily Success! Evangelism Ideas - Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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Daily Success! Evangelism Ideas - Ezekiel Atang

Luke 14:23 KJV

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled”.

Our text suggests that God does not just want us to rest on one monotonous form of evangelism. If that was the case, the servant would have been asked to go and do the same thing he did the first time that did not fill up the house. But he challenged him to be creative; he challenged him to try other areas for soul harvest. He asked him not to ignore the highways and the byways. I want to give us a few more ideas we can implement in Evangelism, and they are as follows:

-iv. Holiday Outreach (like Easter and Christmas): Worldwide events such as Christmas, Easter celebrations and the likes can be used as platforms through which many can be turned to God.

-v. Birthday/Anniversary parties: Back in the days, we often prayed to God as we planned our birthdays, for a birthday gift of souls. We would organize parties and get food as well as drinks, with only one aim in mind; to get souls to the kingdom. A fire branded preacher would be invited to minister on that day and many will be saved. But in these days, believers even play circular music on their birthdays just to flow with unbelievers. How sad?

-vi. Projector crusade/ Roadside crusade: It is always effective to set up a projector screen at a busy bus stop or junction and probably play an interesting drama, immediately followed by a short salvation message. This will in no doubt get the attention of people, as well as get some saved.

-vii. Prayer Evangelism (at group level and personal level): Step out into a neighbourhood, and move from house to house, seeking to pray with people over any challenge they may be trusting God for. Often times, you will be surprised at how people really desire for someone to join faith with them over a matter. We have engaged in this practice as a church, and it has been productive.

Receive creative ideas to win souls in Jesus Name.

i. Discuss these ideas and come up with a plan to implement one or more.
ii. Come up with ten more possible ideas and begin the planning and implementation of some.

-Lord I receive massive Evangelism ideas from this day forward in Jesus Name.

Plan your celebrations and personal events to always be a platform for massive soul winning, and watch God bless you massively.a
Daily Success! Evangelism Ideas - Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on December 20, 2017 Rating: 5 Luke 14:23 KJV “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my hous...

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