Daily Success! Evangelism Ideas - Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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Daily Success! Evangelism Ideas - Ezekiel Atang

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Luke 14:23 KJV

“And the lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled”

Evangelism cannot be restricted or confined to a particular way or method. If we give it only one kind of approach then we will not nearly finish this assignment before our Lord returns. The age has changed and people are so diverse and different, as such we must come up with all kinds of ideas to make our work successful. I will put down a few ideas on Evangelism that can be done as a group and as an individual.

In time past, the church was mainly used to a few Evangelism methods, such as massive crusades that involves multitudes of people with one preacher. This is a method I still consider potent till this day. Then there is the door to door evangelism which we still need badly, and there was the tract distribution. But other ideas have emerged over the years, and below are a few ideas.

i. Acts of Kindness:

-This is evangelism by random acts of kindness. It is done by charitable works, like feeding, clothing the poor etc. This opens up the hearts of people to the gospel.

ii. Community Projects:

-There will always be need all round us to be met, and that offers an Evangelism idea. Churches, groups or house fellowships can identify a community need and team up their resources to meet the need. It could be needs as cheap as clearing refuse dumps or installing bore hole water taps for an entire community. This will raise curiosity and open the hearts of people to offer goodwill to the church group; hence making way for them to preach the gospel.

iii. Hospital Evangelism:

A man in a sick bed is a man in need of any kind of help whatsoever. This offers a great opportunity for the gospel to be preached and received. Especially when you come with the healing power of God. Usually, God would heal them in a hurry in order to facilitate their reception of the gospel.
Receive grace to get together and implement one of these Evangelism ideas in Jesus Name.

i. Discuss these ideas with your group or house Fellowship and make a decision.
ii. Commit your decision to massive prayer preparation and planning.

-Lord set us on fire for Evangelism exploits in Jesus Name.
-We receive massive harvest of souls in Jesus Name.

Acts of kindness, done by charitable works such as feeding, clothing and housing the poor, can go a long way in opening up the hearts of people to the gospel.
Daily Success! Evangelism Ideas - Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on December 10, 2017 Rating: 5 Luke 14:23 KJV “And the lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house ...

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