Christmas Eve Attack: Pit bulls maul 66-year-old woman to death, injure husband - Sirealsilver

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Christmas Eve Attack: Pit bulls maul 66-year-old woman to death, injure husband

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Two pit bulls reportedly mauled a Kentucky woman to death and injured her husband during a gruesome attack on Christmas Eve.

The dogs—which belonged to the couple’s neighbor—fatally injured 66-year-old Lorraine Saylor with the attack on her neck, face and shoulder. Her husband, Johnny, sustained injuries to his head, arm and hand, local news station WYMT reported.

As the attack unfolded on Sunday morning, Johnny’s brother James Saylor, who lives next door, heard barking and quickly threw an object at the dogs to distract them long enough so he could get into the house.

“They had my brother halfway out the door, chewing on his arm,” he told WYMT.
Once free, Johnny retrieved a gun and shot both, but killed just one. The other dog escaped, and the Bell County Sheriff’s Department is currently searching for it.


An autopsy of Lorraine’s body will be conducted on Tuesday, according to Bell County Coroner Jay Steele.

Animal Control will examine the dead dog on either Tuesday or Wednesday, according to WYMT.
Steele was neighbors with the Saylors, describing them as a generous couple.

“They were just a super nice couple, and I can’t even begin to put myself in his shoes. It’s overwhelming the circumstances and what he found,” Steele told WYMT. “She worried more about neighbors and friends than she did herself, as [her husband] Johnny’s the same way. They’re just a very giving couple.”

Investigators discovered that the dogs belonged to Johnny Dale Lankford, who was being held in the Bell County Detention Center on charges of second-degree assault, domestic violence and second-degree unlawful imprisonment from December 22.
Christmas Eve Attack: Pit bulls maul 66-year-old woman to death, injure husband Reviewed by sirealsilver on December 26, 2017 Rating: 5 Two pit bulls reportedly mauled a Kentucky woman to death and injured her husband during a gruesome attack on Christmas Eve.

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